forty-six ✰ m. betts (bos)

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for EunBlinkTS

"Emily!" I hear Andrew calling my name from downstairs

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"Emily!" I hear Andrew calling my name from downstairs. I groan, slowly throwing my bed covers off of me, lazily marching down the cold, wood stairs. I fold my arms over my chest, meeting Andrew in the living room. He notices my presence in the room, shoving his phone back into his pocket.

"Are you ready to go?" My eyes snap open, my jaw falling to the floor. A worried expression appears on my brother's face.

"Oh my fucking god." I whisper to myself, my gaze falling to the floor, taking in my clothes. We're supposed to be leaving now. And I'm still in my pajamas.

"You forgot didn't you?" Andrew rolls his eyes, sighing as he notices I'm nowhere near ready to leave for the game. A guilty look plasters onto my face, as my gaze shift to meet his disappointed eyes.

"I'm really sorry, Andrew. I don't want you to be late. And I really want to see you play and all, but I think I should just stay home." Andrew's eyes soften as my tired voice slightly cracks. He slowly approaches me, placing a light hand on my exposed shoulder.

"It's okay, Em. I knew this was going to happen," He says with a laugh before continuing.

"I checked to see how much a cab would be from here to Fenway and I left some money on the counter for you." A kind smile shows on his lips. Since when is my brother actually nice to me. I wrap my arms tightly around him, my face pressed to his chest.

"Thanks, Drew. You really didn't have to do that."

"No, Em. You're my sister, I guess I love you - just a little bit though." He says, pulling away from our embrace, laughs escaping from both of our smiling faces.

"Okay, well I'll go get ready and I guess I'll meet you there." I say, turning back to head to the guest room as Andrew grabs his things.

"Yep. See ya, Em!" Andrew calls before slamming the front door shut. I hurry, grabbing a jersey and shorts to quickly throw on before rushing to the bathroom to start doing my makeup. And possibly quicker than ever, I finish getting ready, heading for the front door with my wallet, phone and the money Andrew left me. I can't wait to get to Fenway and meet everyone.


I hop out of the cab, handing the friendly driver Andrew's money while throwing in a tip of my own. I turn to face the large stadium, my eyes widening at the beautiful sight. Fenway is gorgeous. I hurriedly make my way towards the entrance, used by the players and their families only. After confirming that I am indeed Andrew's sister, the security finally granted me access to hallways leading to the clubhouse and whatnot. But there's just one problem - I have no idea where to go. I slowly walk farther down the hallway, pulling my phone out to text Andrew. And the next thing I know, my phone goes flying out of my hands, crashing onto the floor. I'm knocked back by someone, feeling an arm quickly wrap around my waist, preventing me from falling to the floor like my phone. I let out a loud gasp. Finally regaining vision, the dizziness wearing off, I open my eyes. And immediately they're met with the most gorgeous, dark eyes I've ever seen. My heart begins to race as I'm slowly lifted back onto my feet, being steadied on the ground by a Boston player.

"I'm really sorry about that." He says with a gentle voice, reaching down to grab my phone. I lower my eyes to the ground, suddenly feeling extremely shy and, not to mention, embarrassed. I reach for the phone, slowly taking it from his hands. As I take the device, our hands touch softly. And my heart begins racing. I look up at him, our eyes meeting once again. Butterflies erupt in my stomach, being face to face with such a beautiful stranger. I clear my throat, finally taking my phone from him.

"Oh, it's fine." He flashes a smile, the sight weakens my knees.

"Well, I'm Mookie, by the way." Mookie offers his hand which I gladly take, the butterflies returning.

"I'm Emily." I say in response, earning another kind smile from Mookie. It seems as though the whole room lights up.

"So, Emily, why are you here?" He asks, his hand dropping to his side. I take a look around the empty hallway, the thought of meeting Andrew almost completely slipping from my mind.

"Uh, I'm actually here to meet someone." I say, straightforward. Mookie nods.

"Well, I guess I'll see you around, Emily." The way my name just rolls off of his tongue is enough for a bright blush to cover my cheeks. I look down at my shoes in hopes of hiding my pink cheeks.

"Yeah." I say as Mookie offers a wave, continuing in the direction he was previously set in before bumping into me. Yet I stay frozen in place, slowly commencing forward, glancing around the hall. I hear Mookie's footsteps slow behind me. I run my hand through my hair, completely puzzled as to where I should go now. I feel a warm hand lightly land on my shoulder, causing me to jump.

"Do you need help finding something?" Mookie asks kindly, his soft eyes on full display. I nod, desperate for help.

"Do you think you could help me find the clubhouse?"

"Of course, I was just headed back now." Mookie says, turning around to walk the other way. Good to know I would've gone in the wrong direction. I guess I'm glad I ran into Mookie, possibly for more than one reason.


As we approach a noisy room, I see Andrew casually poke his head out the door.

"Emily!" He calls, waving for me to meet him. Before walking to my brother, I turn to Mookie, offering a kind smile.

"Thanks for helping me."

"No problem, Emily." He seemed a little upset. And I could tell just by how the tone of his voice had changed that something's different now. Did I do something? Oh god, that's just great. I might have ruined any chance I had with him in the first place. I offer one more smile before splitting from Mookie, walking towards Andrew. Mookie walks into the loud room, greeting a group of the guys.

"Why were you with Betts?" Andrews asks, sounding quite a bit angry. And I can see why. Of course he wouldn't want me dating one of his teammates. I just wish that wasn't such a strict rule.

"It's a long story. I'll tell you later, Drew." He rolls his eyes, throwing his arm around my shoulder.

"Okay, let me introduce you to the guys." Andrew leads me into the room full of players and I immediately feel extra short. They're all basically giants. Andrew whistles, grabbing the attention of everyone in the room, especially Mookie, who's eyes had been fixed on me since I stepped foot in the crowded room.

"I want you to meet someone." All eyes are fixed on me, as well as a few of the players licking their lips. I can see Mookie rolling his eyes.

"This is Emily, my sister." Andrew says, motioning to me. Mookies face lights up, our gazes meeting. A smile quickly appears on his face as he flashes his white teeth. Why did his mood change so quickly? Boys are confusing. A few of the guys take a step towards Drew and I. And Andrew stops them before they can get any closer.

"Let me make one thing clear - she is off limits. Got it, guys?" I hear a few small sighs amongst the players. But frankly, I'm too occupied to notice. My eyes have not left Mookie's, my heart racing a mile a minute. If I'm going to be staying with Andrew, and he says teammates are off limits. This is going to be one hell of a season.


girl i am so so so sorry this is going up a day late ! i know i told you that it'd be up on sunday but unfortunately i was really busy for most of the weekend and i definitely did not want to post super late ,, i hope you understand :/
anyways,, i really hope you like it girl ! 💗💗

aLSo , ya girls starting grade 9 tomorrow and i'm so freaking scared ajabshjdf
wish me luck y'all


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2018 ⏰

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