forty-one ✰ a. judge (nyy)

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teammate troubles

for alli_m15

The ball is cranked over my head with a bang, off of the bat of Mookie Betts

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The ball is cranked over my head with a bang, off of the bat of Mookie Betts. I watch with dread in my eyes, hopelessly wishing it doesn't clear the wall. Judge runs toward the warning track as it begins the fall. And just as it reaches the edge of the park, the ball bounces off of the right field wall, slowly rolling into foul territory. Aaron watches as the ball continues to skip along the bumpy grass, finally making contact with the wall along first baseline. Judge jogs towards the ball as Mookie continues to round the bases. I raise my hands, slamming them onto my head. Why isn't he running? Does he not realize what's at stake? Finally making it to the ball, Aaron simply begins the relay by throwing the ball messily to the second baseman, who has no chance of getting the out at the plate. Mookie slides head first into home, the throw following after he's already stood up, brushing himself off. Great, not only have I given up an inside the park homerun, but I also gave the Red Sox the lead. I watch as Boone makes his way towards the mound, motioning towards the bullpen. That run may have just cost us the game. And it's all Aaron's fault.


I decide to take a moment in the clubhouse to calm myself down, as far away from anyone and everyone; especially Aaron the bitch Judge. Taking a quick shower and changing into some clean clothes, I finally decide I've finally cooled down enough to face my teammates. Or at least I thought I was. I make my way up the steps, only to be faced with the 6'7 giant I would kindly strangled.

"Hey Allison." He greets me, leaning on the dugout fence. I roll my eyes at him.

"Shut the fuck up, Judge." Aaron flashes me a confused look, his forehead wrinkling as he furrows his brows.

"Chill out, Mora. What's up?" He says calmly, waving his hands.

"Don't act like everything's okay. You fucking jogged to that ball that easily could've been a double if you actually tried. But you didn't and it cost us a run and me my start!" I yell, gaining the attention of everyone in the dugout as I lightly shove him. But seeing as I'm devently short and Aaron's a giant, it doesn't do much. I'm fuming at this point. The anger controls my body as I begin ranting in Spanish, hearing a few small laughs from Gleyber in the distance. I'm sure he knows exactly what I'm saying to Aaron, and exactly how fucking pissed I am. I continue to yell while looking up at Aaron, only receiving an array of confused looks from him. I clench my fists, resisting the urge to shove him again, letting out an irritated groan. Silence fills the dugout as Aaron blankly stares at me, at a loss for words.

"A-Allison, I'm sorry. I guess I didn't have my head in the game." Aaron reaches out to touch my shoulder. I quickly shrug him off.

"Don't fucking talk to me." I say, coldly, turning away from him, heading towards the opposite side of the dugout to sit with Happ. I honestly didn't think this was even possible - but I might hate Aaron even more than I did before.


Finally getting to our hotel after a long day, I am beyond happy. Usually I'd have a room to myself, seeing as I'm the only girl on the team. But the hotel overbooked for these few days, so I guess I'll be staying with one of the guys. I don't mind though; they're like my brothers.

Sliding my card in the door, the green lights flashes. I shove the door open to reveal the room. But while I was expecting to see the room and one of my brother-like teammates, I'm met with the opposite - Aaron.

"Hi-" He starts.

"Shut up." I say bluntly, dropping my bags on the floor. I drop onto one of the large mattresses, immediately sinking into the comfy bed. I can feel Aaron's eyes still fixed on me.

"Allison, why don't you like me?" Aaron asks, as if it's the most normal thing in the world. I sit up, giving him a resting bitch face. But he looks genuinely confused.

"How can you be so ignorant?" I ask, only receiving more confused looks from Aaron. I groan.

"Aaron, I am the first female to play in the major leagues. Of course they aren't going to fucking blame you for costing that run because you're 'Aaron Judge'. I got the loss; it's my fault. All because of your dumbass, I get the blame because I 'play like a girl' and 'shouldn't be in the majors'. I'm just a joke to this fucking league. Most people don't even understand how I got here in the first place." I hold back the burning tears threatening to spill, finding anything else to look at in the empty hotel room but Aaron. I can't even stand to look at him right now. The mattress dips beside me. I feel a large hand wrap around my shoulders as Aaron pulls me into his chest. A quiet sniffle fills the silence of the room. His warm hand rubs up and down my arm, leaving goosebumps in its presence. I begin feeling uneasy. But seeing as I've eaten nothing but seeds in the past few hours, I can't be sick. I don't know why I feel like this. I shouldn't feel like this.

"Allison, you deserve to be here more than anyone. You wouldn't be a starting pitcher, let alone even drafted in the first place if you weren't meant to play in the big leagues. I don't care that you're a girl, and frankly, no one should. You are one of the best starting pitchers we have. And it really sucks that no one's noticed that yet. But, I have, Allison." His voice is soft; genuine. And honestly, I wasn't expecting him to be so nice to me. Especially because I haven't necessarily been kind to him. I guess maybe he's not as bad of a person as I thought he was. I'm sure by this point, my tears have fallen, but I don't care. I look up to meet Aaron's eyes; his soft, yet mysterious eyes. A shy grin spreads across his face.

"Thank you, Aaron-" I clear my throat, trying to hide the obvious cracks in my voice.

"Uhm, I'm really sorry." I finish, staring into his chocolate-brown eyes. His perfect brows furrowed in confusion.

"For what?"

"For being so rude to you all of the time. I guess I never really gave you chance." He nods his head, understanding. Aaron's eyes leave mine, glancing around the room.

"Well," He drags out the 'l', still looking everywhere in the room but at me.

"We could get to know each other." Aaron's eyes finally meet mine. His quiet voice sends chills through my body. My heart skips a beat. I find myself staring at him; at everything from his perfectly scattered freckles to his perfectly-shaped jawline. And I finally find myself lost in his eyes once again. Without any control over my body, I lick my lips, his eyes landing on them. And it seems like we're slowly inching our way towards each other, our faces becoming inches apart by the second. I freeze, his lips just a small distance from mine. I break the silence in the room by clearing my throat, causing both of us to snap out of whatever trance we'd been taken over by.

"I'd love that, Aaron."


aaron is such a sweetheart uGH
anyways i'm sorry this took so long girl, i hope it was worth the wait though ! i hope you like it allison !! 💗


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