twenty-one ✰ g. torres (nyy)

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a dream come true

for morevibezzz

a dream come true✰ ✰ ✰for morevibezzz

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The day is finally here. I sit impatiently in the passenger's seat of my best friend's car. Bouncing my leg up and down, Brianna looks over to me while letting out a small laugh.

"What?" I look at her, wide-eyed.

"You're insane, you know that right?" I scoff, placing my hand on my chest. Quickly, I raise my hand, lightly punching her in the arm as she continues to laugh at me.

"Hey! That was rude." I say with a chuckle as Brianna rubs her arm with the palm of her hand.

"Maggie, you have not stopped talking about Gleyber Taris-"

"It's Torres." I interrupt her. Even if I was talking about him, it's not like she was even listening. She doesn't even know his name!

"Sorry, you haven't stopped talking about Gleyber TORRES since we got into the car. If that's not insane, I don't know what is." My cheeks instantly heat up. I'm not going to deny her accusations because they are very true. So what I have a minor obsession with Gleyber Torres? Doesn't everyone? I mean, that smile, and his adorable accent. Oh my god, I can't get enough of him. And to think, within the next hour I'm going to be sitting a few feet away from him - breathing the same air as him. My heart begins racing simply at the thought. After finally resurfacing from my pool of Gleyber thoughts, I look to my right, out the window. The waving flags immediately catch my eyes. My breathing stops. We're here.

-time skip-

After buying some food and drinks, Brianna and I finally made it to our seats. It being my first time at Yankee Stadium, as soon as I sat down, I took a minute to take in my surroundings. The perfect view of the 'Yankee Stadium' sign is breathtaking, along with the image of the stunning field. And after finally taking a look to my right, I see it - the Yankees dugout. Immediately noticing all of the players preparing to head onto the field, the fangirl in me begins freaking out.

"Oh my god, oh my god, Brianna. It's Gleyber." I say, pointing to where he leans on the dugout fence while standing on the entrance stairs. In that moment, I don't know if I was just seeing things, but I could have sworn he looked at me.

The first inning seemed to fly by. As the last out of the top of the second is recorded, the Yankees are up to bat in the bottom of the second. As Aaron Hicks steps into the batter's box, Gleyber exits the dugout, walking into the on-deck circle. I payed a hell of a lot of money specifically for these seats. My palms become clammy as I realize how close I really am to Gleyber Torres. Whipping out my phone, I begin taking thousands of pictures of him as he stands about 20 feet away from me. As I remain focussed on my camera and less on what's actually happening in the game, I notice Gleyber pause mid-swing. I remove my gaze that had been plastered on my phone to see what's happening in the game. But it's only after I realize nothing had happened that I understand what Gleyber had really been focussing on - me. Me? He's looking at me? My breathing becomes heavier as I quickly fix my hair and straighten my jersey. With my phone still pointed at Gleyber, he smiles at me. I smile back as he begins striking poses for the camera. I laugh as I continue to take pictures of him during his little 'show'. ( woah ,, kinky - i need help ok moving on ) After hearing the crack of a bat, Gleyber and I both turn our attention back towards to game, only to see Hicks gassing it towards second. After he was ruled safe, Gleyber's name is announced as his walkup music begins to blast through the speakers. I look back to Gleyber to see him still standing in the on-deck circle. Finally noticing my attention was back on him, he sends a wink in my direction while offering a small wave. Barely able to comprehend what just happened, I wave back. I watch as he goes into game mode while stepping into the batter's box. And my heart is still racing. Butterflies remain in my stomach. And my smile has not moved. My heart can't take anymore of Gleyber Torres being this freaking adorable.

The game sadly comes to an end, with Gleyber hitting not one, but two home runs. And while I really wish I could stay here forever, Brianna and I finally decide to head towards our car after waiting almost an hour for the crowds to die down. The parking lot is almost empty. Except for a few cars, which I can only assume are those of the staff. Just as I reach to open the car door, I hear a gasp from the other side of the car. Immediately rushing to meet Brianna on her side, I notice her standing with her mouth wide open. She slowly turns to look at me, pointing to something inside of the car. I'm almost hesitant to look. What if it's a person? Or a dead animal? Finally gaining the courage to take a look inside the car, I understand why Brianna seems so frustrated.

"You locked the keys inside of the car?!" Brianna flashes me a guilty look as I let out a sigh.

"I'll go see if there's anyone that could help us still in Yankee Stadium." She turns on her heel, jogging towards the building. And I'm left alone. I pull out my phone to occupy myself as I lean on the car door. Opening the photos app, I scroll through the dozens of pictures I took of Gleyber. My favourites are of him in the on-deck circle. I'll never forget that moment.

"Nice pictures," I hear a deep, voice from behind me. I let out a small yelp as I turn to face the person. My jaw drops. It's Gleyber fucking Torres. Play it cool, Maggie.

"Oh um, thanks." He nods in response, flashing that gorgeous smile of his.

"So why are you still here?" Gleyber sounds so concerned. My heart skips a beat.

"My friend locked the keys in the car, so we can't really go anywhere." I say, shrugging.

"Oh, how about I give you guys a ride home? It's the least I could do." He places a hand on my arm. Chills run through my body. Even in the dark, I can see his eyes perfectly. I can't help but get lost. Finally snapping back into reality, I clear my throat.

"Gleyber, you really don't have to do that."

"But I want to...uhm, sorry, what's your name?" Gleyber Torres just asked me what my name is. Suddenly, I can't breathe. This is too much for me and my fan girl self.


"Let me help you out, Maggie." I let out a small giggle. Why? I don't really know. I'm freaking out too much to actually control what I'm saying and doing.

"Really, it's okay. I think my friend should be back soon." Gleyber all of a sudden seems to become shy, silently nodding at my response. I continue to stare into his eyes as he searches his thoughts for exactly what to say. He suddenly reaches for my hand, holding onto it gently.

"Well, we have an off day tomorrow. So I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go out with me?" I gasp, quietly, receiving a laugh from Gleyber. I smile, looking at my feet in hopes of hiding my terribly red cheeks. As my hair falls in front of my face, I tuck the hair back behind my ears, slowly looking back up at Gleyber. His hopeful gaze remained fixed on me.

"Uhm, I would love that." I used every bit of strength inside of my body to keep myself from stuttering. I'm awestruck. I went to a Yankees game in hopes of seeing my idol play. But then I ended up interacting with him while he was on the field. Crazy, right? And now, he's asking me out in a date in the freaking parking lot. What am I gonna do? Say no? ( if you get that <— i love you ) Gleyber smiles at my response, handing me a baseball with writing on it. Examining the numbers, I can only assume it's his phone number.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Gleyber plants a soft kiss on my cheek, as I nod in response. Leaving me breathless and blushing, Gleyber begins walking away towards his car. And just when I thought I'd finally be able to breathe again, I hear his voice.

"Hey Maggie!" Gleyber shouts from across the parking lot.


"Send me those pictures!"


my imagination is seriously so terrible , i'm sorry if this idea is kinda dumb/boring !! i can always try to write another imagine for you if you'd like, girl ! i really hope you enjoy it love ! ❤️❤️

aLsO this is trash bye


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