fourteen ✰ a. judge (nyy)

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i'm always here

not requested

"B-but Aaron-" My voice shakes with every word

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"B-but Aaron-" My voice shakes with every word. I reach to grab his hand, but without thought, he instantly backs away.

"Don't 'but' me, y/n. I can't believe you would do this." The tears don't stop. And with every word he speaks, my heart breaks a little more. As he stares at me, disappointment and disgust in his gaze, I can barely look at him. As I take a step closer to him, I begin to feel intimidated, not only by his towering height, but the feeling of hate that he so strongly emits.

"You don't understand! It's the media! Th-they twist every sentence, just to make a story people are dying to follow. Aaron, y-you know me! I would never say that - I love you..." I can barely get the words out, my weakness showing through my voice. I force myself to keep my trembling hands at my sides, despite the undying urge to wrap them around Aaron. But he wouldn't want that - he may never want that again.

"Oh, I know about the media, y/n. And the fact that words like that would even leave your mouth, they can't be far off. You know, I thought I knew you. Just as much as I thought you loved me." And my heart is broken. The clear pain in his voice is enough to send me into a whole new fit of tears. Even though the late hours of the night hide most of his features, the small brightness from the street lights allow me to see he is crying just as much as I am. The man who never sheds a tear, on and off the field, is crying - I made him cry. Noticing my silence, he scoffs, shaking his head.

"You know it's true, y/n. Look me in the eyes and say it, then. Just like you told those fucking reporters! You're using me, for the money, the attention. You're just like everyone else, a little golddigger looking to get their 15 minutes of fame. I can't fucking believe you." Aaron runs a hand through his hair, using every bit of the strength he still has to keep his voice from cracking. But it's clear that he wasn't doing a very good job.


"Don't even try." He turns on his heel, beginning the walk towards his car. I quickly run after him, grabbing onto his hand, using all of the force in my little body to keep him from leaving. But the smudged mascara beneath my eyes must prove there isn't much strength left in me.

"Please, just let me go." His voice cracks - I've broken him. He yanks his arm away, causing me to stumble, almost unable to catch myself before hitting the ground. And despite the anger and hatred he feels towards me at the moment, Aaron reaches his hand toward my shoulder, helping me steady myself. Facing each other once again, I finally gain the courage to look back up, into the eyes of the man I love.

"P-please, let me explain." At this point, I've given up on trying to sound strong. I'm letting him know how much this is hurting me as it is him. He needs to know that I care.

"No, y/n. I'm sorry, I don't ever want to see you again." And with that, he turns around for a final time, leaving me alone, standing in the middle of my driveway. I remain on my feet, watching as he slowly sits in the drivers side of his car, avoiding all eye contact. The engine starts - and he's gone. The minute the car lights disappear around the corner, my knees buckle. And I'm left alone, tear-covered cheeks, in the middle of my driveway at 2:07 am - heartbroken.

My heart is racing. My head is pounding. Tears cover not only my face, but my pillow and pajama shirt. I immediately reach for Aaron, sleeping beside me, suddenly unable to catch my breath. I look around the room for something to drink, but I can't seem to move any part of my body, in shock. While still wheezing, gasping for air, Aaron stirs beside me, finally being awoken by my constant pounding on his arm. Although it is very dark, I can still see his eyes widen when he finally realizes my conditions.

"Baby, baby. It's okay. I'm here, y/n. I'm here." Aaron wraps his arms around me in a heartbeat. Reaching to play with my hair, he's still unable to calm me down, despite how much I absolutely love the gentleness of him playing with my long hair. I suddenly find myself being able to breathe a little better, while blubbering like a baby in his arms. Aaron rests his head on top of mine, continuing to play with my hair. I cuddle into his chest out of habit, immediately being consumed by his body heat, no longer feeling the cold sweat I had broken into. My heart race begins to slow when I realize; Aaron is here, with me, right now. He didn't leave. There was no scandal. We are happy. I am happy. He is happy.

"A-A-Aaron, I-I..." Even though I've calmed down quite a bit, I'm not even close to being able to form a sentence. My head is elsewhere. I can barely think.

"Shhh, it's okay. You don't have to explain. Just stay here and try not to focus on whatever's seemed to bother you. I'll be right back, okay?" I nod, silently. As Aaron removes his arms from around me, I immediately feel uncomfortable again. But I try to focus on the fact that he's going to come back. He is going to come back, right? I stay quiet, watching his every move as he swiftly walks toward our bedroom window, opening it up. His back muscles show through his shirt, despite its looseness, as the room begins filing with cool and fresh air. Noticing him walk out of our bedroom, I sit up from my position in bed, awaiting his return. And just as I'd hoped, Aaron soon walks back into our shared bedroom, carrying a glass of ice water. I gladly accept the drink, as he hands me the cup. After taking a long sip, I think I might finally be able to speak.

"Thank you so much, Aaron." He offers a warm smile while engulfing me in a hug, pulling me onto his chest.

"Do you know what happened?" While I can remember most of it, I'm hesitant to say. I mean what if he's one of those 'dreams reflect reality' people and really thinks I'm using him for money. But after looking up into his longing eyes, I made the decision to enlighten him,

"Well, I had a terrible dream where you-you left me because you thought that I was using you and-and you said I was a golddigger and you n-never wanted to see me again and-" Noticing my discomfort and somewhat embarrassment, Aaron interrupts my rambles.

"Y/n, it's okay. You don't have to worry, you're the best girlfriend I could ever ask for, okay? I know you, baby. And you're not like that. There is no one I would rather be with. And I would never forgive myself if I left you. I love you so so much, baby." The way he speaks so genuinely brings a smile to my face, immediately helping me become more comfortable again.

"I love you too, Judge. Thank you again. I probably scared the shit out of you." Aaron chuckles, while moving to hold one of my hands, absentmindedly playing with my fingertips.

"Don't thank me, y/n. You know I'm always here."


THIS IDEA RANDOMLY POPPED INTO MY HEAD AND I WAS LIKE DJDHSJBD woah , but then i was like , i write about g a lot so i should probably write about one of my other faves 😂 SO MADDIE, IM NOT TRYNA STEAL YOUR MAN , PLEASE DONT KILL ME

OK BUT SERIOUSLY  this reminds me of when you used to write creative stories in like grade 3 and it'd be some crazy shit and then at the end you'd be like "anD ThEN i wOKe Up AnD iT wAs aLL a dReAM" BAM ,, haha ok anyways , i hope y'all enjoy !!


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