thirty-three ✰ l. mccullers (hou)

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cheer up, boy !

for lancemcclusters

And he closes his eyes, the camera panning away from the scene

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And he closes his eyes, the camera panning away from the scene. Tears stream slowly down my cheeks as the credits flash on the screen. Marley and Me is cursed, I swear. No normal person makes it through that movie without balling their eyes out. The room is near silent, as only tiny sobs can be heard from both of us. I reach for the remote, wanting to get this heartbreaking movie off of the screen as soon as possible, only to be stopped by the hand of my boyfriend, Lance. He softly places his hand on top of mine, holding it in his. My glance shifts to where he lays on the couch, and even in the dark room, I can see his glistening cheeks, wet with tears. His mouth forms a soft frown as his lips tremble slightly. My heart aches for him, despite how sad I am as well. I hear a quiet sniffle.

"Rease?" A quiet voice calls my name, barely loud enough for me to hear. A small smile appears on my face. Lance is such a softie and, what can I say, I love it. I feel a shift in the couch beside me, Lance's body heat suddenly becoming extremely close.

"Yes, Lance?"

"Can you give me a hug?" Hearing his soft voice is enough to turn my mood upside down, my smile immediately becoming wider. He's such a little baby, but it's so freaking adorable. Drifting from my thoughts, I find myself looking into his glossy, brown eyes. My stomach swarms with butterflies. I lightly nod my head, Lance instantly jumping on me. I let out a small laugh as he tightly wraps his arms around my torso, knocking both of us over on the couch. As he basically lays on me, Lance tucks his head into the crook of my neck, his beard slightly tickling my skin. I lightly comb my hands through his dark hair. He lets out a deep breath, followed by another small sniffle. I wrap my arms tighter around him, hopefully reflecting a sense of safety.

"Hey, baby." I lightly whisper in his ear. Lance gently pulls away from me, resting his hands on either side of my head. The room suddenly becomes colder as I'm no longer comforted by the warmth of Lance. He stares intently into my eyes and suddenly, his face becomes a little brighter.

"Yeah?" Lance speaks softly, drying tears laying lightly on his cheeks. I offer a warm smile, placing my hand gently on the side of his face, caressing his cheek delicately.

"You wanna go get some ice cream?" A bright smile appears in the dark room, followed by an extremely excited Lance pulling me up off of the couch. As he grabs my hands, peeling me away from my comfy spot and towards the front door, I can barely move my feet fast enough to keep up with his suddenly energetic pace.

"When don't I want ice cream?" He says, before shoving both of us out the front door.


Lance's mood went from 0 to 100, simply with a small amount of Baskin Robbins. We both sit outside of the shop, comfortably on a random bench, hands intertwined. While Lance seems to be quickly shoving the ice cream down his throat, I eat mine at a steady pace, possibly because I'm laughing too hard at my foolish boyfriend. The air surrounding us is cool, and the ice cream is definitely not helping. I slide closer to Lance, cuddling close to him and the heat he emits. While he seems to be unbothered, paying little to no attention to me, Lance continues to focus on one thing - his ice cream. A smile plastered on my face, I watch as Lance demolishes the cone; scheming. I take a quick glance at my own, a smirk forming on my face.

"Hey, Lance?" His head quickly snaps in my direction, looking down to where I sit beside him.

"Hm?" Lance mumbles, his mouth most likely still full of ice cream.

"Do you think this smells weird?" I ask, raising my ice cream cone to sit just underneath his nose. And as he leans in - BAM; a face full of ice cream. As I slowly move the cone away from Lance's face, letting it drop to the ground, seeing as there's no way I'll be eating it now. My mouth falls open at the mess I've made. I try to contain my laughter; but the image gets the best of me and I burst into a fit of giggles. The ice cream had melted mostly, dripping into his beard and down his face. I raise my hand to cover my face, slowly standing from the bench. An angry expression appears on Lance's face as he glares at me, hatred seeping from his eyes. At least he isn't sad about the movie anymore, right? Lance slowly lifts his hands, wiping the ice cream from his eyes. He takes an intimidating deep breath.

"You're going to pay for that." Lance speaks evilly, cearly seeking revenge. And before I know it, in one swift movement, he places his ice cream on the bench and wraps his arms around me; my back pressed to his chest as lifts me off of the ground. I let out a small squeal as he spins us in circles in the Baskin Robbins parking lot, not a person in sight. The world spins, and I'm becoming extremely dizzy. And being the perfect boyfriend he is, Lance must have realized, placing me back on my feet. His arms remain around my waist, swaying us back and forth. He sneaks his face into the crook of my neck, planting small kisses from my collar bone to my jaw. And I feel a cold substance.

"Lance!" I shout, releasing myself from his grip.

"You got ice cream in my hair." I whine, dragging out the 'r'. Lance bursts into a fit of laughter as I scurry around the parking lot, searching for something to wipe my face and neck with. He slowly approaches me, sneaking his arms around my waist once again. My breath catches in my throat, butterflies swarming my stomach.

"Well you got ice cream in my beard, so we're even." He says confidently, a smirk inching its way onto his face. I let out a small laugh, my head falling to look at my feet. We stand like this for what feels like forever, and there is no other place I'd rather be, despite the ice cream covering my face.

"Thank you by the way." Lance says abruptly, his eyes remain fixed on me. My head snaps up to meet them, and I immediately melt simply at the sight.

"For what?" I ask, completely oblivious to what he could be thanking me about.

"For cheering me up after that god awful movie." I laugh in response, causing Lance to smile in return. That damn smile will be the death of me.

"Well, really you should be apologizing for making me watch it in the first place." He adds on. My laughing hardens, as Lance continues to stare at me in the moonlight, eventually joining in. And then we fall silent, simply enjoying the presence of another in the middle of the Baskin Robbins parking lot. There doesn't always have to be a dialogue to tell a story; and our story is a silent one. Until the silence is broken. 

"I love you so much, Reasie." My heart stops. The words that hold so much beauty; meaning, had just been said for the first time. The words every girl wants to hear from the man she loves. And I have no problem saying it back.

"I love you too, Lance."


my writing has been so shitty lately and i seriously don't know what to do. it's like i'm completely incapable of adding any detail whatsoever and it's honestly so discouraging. i just don't feel good about the imagines i'm writing. i'm so so so sorry , reasie ! i really feel like i could of done so much better :/ i hope you like it though 💗


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