Lillian Meyer part 1 (M)

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I walk into my small dorm, exhausted from my day. It had been a long day of lectures and then difficult customers all evening. It's nearly midnight and the place is silent. My room mate is probably out. Dropping my keys in the bowl by the door, I make my way to the kitchen. I'm starving. All of a sudden, I hear loud laughter. Considering I didn't think my room mate was home, I jump. 

Annabeth is usually very quiet and spends most of her weekends upstate so it's rare we spend any time together. She's a great room mate honestly but I have never heard her laugh like that before. I wonder what's so funny? I walk over and knock on her door, calling her name. 

"Annabeth, are you home?" I hear fumbling from multiple someones coming from the other side that results in a loud THUMP and a voice that is definitely Annabeth's say

"Fuck, where's my bra? Don't laugh seaweed brain!" I stifle a giggle because I have never heard Annabeth swear before. The door swings open to reveal a tall, dark haired man. He's shirtless and only wearing a pair of boxers with goldfish on them, which I can tell where hastily put on. My eyes follow up his muscled torso to his eyes, which are a bright green. I can see Annabeth sitting on her bed in only her underwear, looking sheepish. 

"Hi, we're a little busy right now, can I take a message?" The man asks me. He has a deep, soothing voice.  

"Yeah, just keep it down in there. I have some studying to do." I raise my eyebrows at Annabeth, letting her know that I want details later on. She gives me a look that says "go away!" and I oblige. Walking back to the kitchen, I hear the both of them laughing again. 

The next morning

I awake, feeling refreshed. Annabeth and her mystery man had actually kept quiet and I was able to sleep no problem. I need coffee now though. Always coffee. Stumbling into the kitchen, I see the same man from last night already standing by the coffee pot. He's again shirtless and I find myself staring. He really is quite attractive. 

"Coffee?" He asks me. I nod, not fully awake yet. 

"So I take it from your face last night that Annabeth did not tell you about me? I'm Percy, her boyfriend." He introduces himself. 

"Nice to meet you. No, she never mentioned a beau. We really don't see much of each other though. How long have you been together?" I question. 

"5 years. We've been best friends since we were 12 though, so we've known each other for nearly 10 years." Percy replies. Wow, 5 years? I wonder why they don't live together. 

"Hmmmmm, coffee. Good morning guys. I assume Percy has been telling you our life story? He tells everyone." Annabeth says, strolling in. She goes up to Percy and he wraps his arms around her, and kisses her forehead. They really are a cute couple. 

"That's because it's the best story ever, wise girl!" 

The next story is this one told from Annabeth's POV, make sure to check it out! It's actually a lot better than this one haha. 

Hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote and leave a comment!



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