Road Trippin

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"Remind me again why we agreed to do this?" Percy asks, looking down at the map, even though I know he has no idea how to read it. (insert needing the GPS) I keep my eyes on the road, the traffic steady around us.

"Because camp is in trouble" I tell him.

"And so that makes it our responsibility? We haven't attended camp in three years. Don't they have younger, less busy, demigods to do this?" He mumbles. He's right of course, but Chiron asked personally or else I would have said no.

"That's the price we pay for saving the world a couple times. Everyone comes to us with their problems." I say. The truth is that the both of us would rather just forget about all of that but living heroes are rare. Some demigods are lucky and their parent forgets about them when they get older and are no longer useful. The reality of that happening for Percy and I anytime soon is slim, but we try our best to live as normal a life as possible.

"We both know that isn't the only reason. You're the only one capable of rational thought that Reyna likes." Percy says, looking at me.

When Chiron had iris-messaged me earlier this week, he'd mentioned how tense things have been between the two camps. It was bound to happen, the Romans and the Greeks being so different and each set in their ways. As usual with peace treaties, things go smoothly for a few years or so. But eventually something happens to cause turmoil.

I'd asked him what he expected me to be able to do about it and before I knew it, I was agreeing to help. Percy had groaned and it took some convincing but I eventually got him to agree to go with me. So now we are stuck in the car for a few days, driving across the country. If I had gone alone, I could have flown but I'm glad to have Percy along. Even with his terrible car singing.

"Where are we?" I ask him, and he checks the GPS.

"We crossed over into Ohio about an hour ago. 36 hours to go!" He says in a fake happy voice.

"It's not my fault you can't fly without dying." I say slyly and I am greeted with a look of contempt in return. He chooses not to comment on that, a wise choice given who he would most likely be offending.

The next day is classic road trip. Percy insists on trading off, making sure we share the driving equally. I don't doubt that if I asked, he would drive the whole trip. The snacks I packed get passed around, including some of Sally's chocolate chip cookies. She's been trying to teach Percy how to make them, passing on the family recipe. I've witnessed a few of those lessons, and while I hate to admit it, Percy is just not a baker. I mean, he looks cute wearing the apron that say 'kiss the cook', something I've happily done, but it doesn't appear Sally's kitchen skills were passed on.

"Why are you staring so hard at the cookie?" Percy asks, peering over at me.

"Just thinking about how terrible of a baker you are." I tease. He gasps.

"You said I did great!" He exclaims.

"No, I said you LOOKED great. Nothing sexier than a man in the kitchen."

"Except when he sets the kitchen on fire." I add.

"That was one time." He grumbles and I laugh lightly. I look down in the bag and see that there's only one cookie left. Knowing Percy, he's not going to let it go easily.

"There's only one left. Do you want it?" I ask. He nods, so I take it out but hold it just out of his reach.

"How badly do you want it?" I ask. He narrows his eyes, keeping his attention on the road.

"I know what you're doing, it's not going to work!"

"I don't know what you're talking about." I say innocently.

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