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It was a prefect prank. A little (Ok, a LOT) of whip cream and balloons and the boys locker room. Until someone got wind and we all got caught red-handed, even little freshman Hazel.

So now begins the week long detention we all got slapped with. My mother just shook her head at me, unable to stay mad when I told her our intentions. I've gotten detention for worse.

"You going to Harry's after school today, Perce?" My friend and locker neighbor, Grover, asks at the end of the day. Harry's is a local pizza place that most of our class meets up at after school. It's become the designated senior hangout spot.

"Nah, got detention. Somebody narked on the plan for the locker room and Pershly threw us all in the slammer." I say to him while slipping into my leather jacket. It was my dad's and after he died, it was one of the only things of his I wanted to keep. It's been well worn in and keeps me warm. Not to mention the bad boy reputation it's given me, even though I'm not really like that. Sure, I like to mess around and have probably been put in detention more than any other senior this year but it's all been harmless fun.

"Have fun with that." Grover grins and we part, him out the doors and me on my way to the basement. But first, I have to pick up a certain somebody.

She's waiting at the end of the hall, leaning up against the lockers and talking to one of our friends, Piper. I take a moment to check her out her from behind, all legs in those almost too short shorts.

"Mmmm Mmmm." I hum appreciatively. She turns and gives an exasperated sigh.

"Stop staring at my ass." She gives me a resigned look, though I can see the hint of a smile playing on her lips.

"Can't help it, it's right there." I grin. Piper rolls her eyes at the pair of us.

"You two are so nauseating. I'll meet you down there. Don't be too long." Piper warns and then we are left alone in the hallway.

"You are terrible." Annabeth tells me, unable to keep from smiling. I move in front of her and then slowly back her up until she's right up against the lockers. My hands on either side of her head, I lean in real close. Close enough that I can smell her intoxicating lemon shampoo.

"How terrible?" I ask breathily, taking pleasure in hearing her inhale shakily.

"Don't you dare make us late for detention. I'm already in enough trouble with my dad, I don't need to explain to him how our sentence was extended because we got caught making out in the hallway." She says, her grey eyes lingering on my lips.

"Last time I checked, we aren't making out in the hallway." I say tantalizingly.

"Yet." I add cheekily. She smiles and leans in to give me a quick kiss.

"Or we could go to detention." She says, ducking under my arms and heading off towards the stairs.

"Such a tease!" I chuckle, jogging to catch up with her. I take her hand as we walk down to the basement.

Everyone calls detention the 'slammer' here because the high school used to be an old prison back in the 1800's. The detention room being in the basement, it still has bars on the one wall and the school is too cheap to remove them. The rest of the building looks like a regular school though. Mr. Pershly, the short and balding school administrator and the only one who volunteers to do detention duty, gives Annabeth and I a pursed look as we enter. We aren't technically late, though we would have been had Annabeth given in to what I wanted to do upstairs, but we are the last ones in.

Sitting in the desks spread out around the room are some of my closest friends. Jason, a blond guy with glasses and on route to college on a football scholarship is sitting next to Frank, a tall Asian junior who is on the team with Jason. This is probably the first time Frank has ever been in detention. In fact, this is probably everyone's first time here, apart from Piper and I.

Speaking of Piper, she's sitting next to Hazel. Hazel is the youngest and newest member of our little group, and I know the only reason she ended up with us the other night was because of Frank. She looks nervous, the poor thing. I tug Annabeth along to the back of the room, where two desks are close together. Piper smirks at us as we pass, her ever-changing colored eyes lit up mischievously. I know that look, she has something planned for this afternoon. Leo, the mechanic behind most of our pranks is sitting alone on the side of the room, his eyes trained on some sort of contraption half assembled on the desk. Knowing him, it's probably some robot.

Between the both of us, Piper and I will probably be the cause of Mr. Pershly dropping dead from a heart attack at the age of 40. We both have a naturally rebellious nature. To be honest, I'm surprised Jason and her are even dating, the whole 'opposites attract' really works with their relationship. Annabeth and I are more alike than most people would think.

Detention is about as boring as anyone thinks. We aren't allowed to talk or use our phones, so Annabeth takes out some homework and works on that while I idly play with her hair. 30 minutes pass and I'm counting the holes in the ceiling in an effort to stay awake. All of a sudden, a large BANG! echoes through the room, followed by a ton of smoke. After about 10 seconds of silence, the smoke clears and Mr. Pershly is sitting behind the desk, covered in confetti. Seems someone hid a confetti bomb underneath the desk, set to go off during detention. I'd bet anything that it was Piper, as it's just the sort of prank she's known for pulling off, but her face is blank.

Mr. Pershly stands up, his face red and screwed up in frustration. I hide back a snicker.

"Which one of you is responsible for this?" He demands to know but none of us are stupid enough to fess up. Annabeth looks at me and I can tell she's silently asking me if I did it. I shake my head no.

"Nobody move." He says angrily and then he leaves the room, presumably to go get rid of the rainbow confetti covering him. Piper and I both start laughing loudly as soon as he's out of view.

"Did you see his face?" Piper wheezes out. Even Annabeth has cracked a smile. She doesn't always approve of our shenanigans.

"I hope that you don't get in trouble for that." Hazel worries.

"Don't worry, he can't prove anything." Piper assures her. I take advantage of being unsupervised and sit on my desk. Annabeth goes to toss something in the trash can and I pull her close before she sits back down. Everyone goes back to doing what they were doing before the excitement of the confetti explosion happened.

"I have a serious question for you." I ask her as she stands in front of me.

"And that is?" She asks, tracing the lines on my open hands with her finger.

"Why are you so beautiful?" I ask softly. She smiles in a way that only proves my point.

"I think it has something to do with having an amazing boyfriend." She says sweetly, wrapping her arms around my neck. I'm just tall enough that sitting on the desk put us at eye level with each other. Right as I'm about to kiss her, I hear Piper and Leo snickering.

"Piper, why are you so beautiful?" Leo asks her as they stare intently at each other's faces.

"It's because I'm so amazing, Leo." Piper says, flipping her hair and they both fall into a fit of laughter.

"Fuck you both." I say, unfortunately right as Mr. Pershly comes back.

"I heard that, Mr. Jackson. If you and Miss Chase can't keep your hands off of each other, I'll be forced to move you to opposite sides of the classroom." He says sternly and we both sigh.

Another 40 minutes pass and then we are finally free. I whoop as the fresh air hits my face in the parking lot. It's the beginning of May, and the weather has finally started to be seriously nice. April is always so rainy here. Annabeth joins me by my beat up old pick-up truck.

"Finally, nobody is in my way." I say and then I kiss her, like, really kiss her. The both of us are breathless by the time I pull away. Detention might not be so bad with her by my side this week.

Ok so this was originally going to be the first chapter of a short AU but I lost inspiration for continuing it so I just turned it into a one shot that doesn't have much direction but had some good moments haha.

Hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote and leave a comment!



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