Come Save Me

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Just a cheesy meet percabeth! 🙃

"Come on dude, come out with us! You've been moping around all semester. You haven't even gotten laid once!" My roommate, Chuck, tries to convince me to go out drinking with his frat boy pals. Of all the guys in New York, I get stuck with the partier as my roommate.

"I've told you a thousand times, I have a girlfriend." I remind him. He rolls his eyes at me. He never seems to believe me about Annabeth, despite me showing him pictures. With Annabeth attending Columbia and me at NYU, we are at opposite ends of the city and don't get to see each other much during the week. We meet up most weekends at her place. Luckily she lives off campus and has an actual apartment.

"Yes, and I've told you that imaginary girlfriends don't count." He says and I sigh. He's quite like Annabeth, with his persuasiveness. I suppose one drink couldn't hurt.

"Fine. One drink. But you're paying!" I concede, grabbing my jacket and following him out the door. It's a little brisk out this evening, and I glance up at the barely visible moon. The city that never sleeps is living up to its name, as city goers bustle past us. Instead of a bar, Chuck leads us to some noisy club, flashing his name to get us in without standing in line. His dad is some big developer and has connections. How Chuck ended up at NYU is beyond me, since he probably had his pick of ivy leagues. I feel seriously under dressed, in my jeans and t-shirt, covered by a plain jacket.

The music is pulsating in my ears, getting louder the further we enter. The dance floor is crowded, and bodies are pushed up against other bodies. The girls here are all dressed in too short dresses and heels that I'm sure are killing their feet. I'm already uncomfortable, looking forward to finishing my drink. Chuck hands me a beer, and we stand against the bar as he scouts the place.

"Operation get Percy laid is now underway." He announces, snagging a girl on her way past us.

"Hi, have you met Percy?" He introduces us and then leaves me on my own with a clearly intoxicated, clearly underage, girl.

"Hi." She slurs and I have to help her stand up straight.

"How old are you?" I ask, concerned.

"Old enough." She answers, running her hand down my arm. I hold her at arms length.

"Sorry, I have a girlfriend." I tell her and then I tell the bartender to call her a cab. She's way too young to be out like this. I help her outside and load her in a yellow cab. Once she is on her way, I reach in for my phone and call Annabeth.

"Hello?" She answers all breathily. My heart rate increases just hearing her voice.

"Hi. Question: How much do you love me?" I ask.

"What do you need?" She sighs over the phone.

"I'm stuck at some club with Chuck and he keeps trying to hook me up with drunk girls despite me telling him I have you. Come save me?" I plead.

"Percy, it's a school night and I have work in the morning!"

"Annabeth." I whine, hoping she falls for it.

"Ugh, Fine! You are so lucky I love you. Where are you?" She agrees.

"Uhhh, club Encore? Actually, could you do me another favor?" I come up with a brilliant idea.

"And that is?" She asks.

"I need to stop Chuck from doing this again. Can you come inside and meet him? He doesn't think you exist. You gotta dress up though if you're going to get in the door. I have to go back inside." I ask in a hopeful voice.

"Do you realize how long it's going to take me to get ready and get down there?" She says.

"Wear the grey dress. You know I love that one." I say, hoping that ignoring her question will speed this along.

"Ugh! Fine! I will find you when I get there."

"I can't wait to see the look on Chuck's face." I cackle.

"You are such a dork." She says and I can just visualize her shaking her head and smiling at me over the phone. I hang up and go back in to find Chuck. He's doing body shots off of some girl, and the small crowd surrounding them cheers as he downs the last shot of tequila. 

"Where have you been, man? Have a shot." Chuck says, handing me a glass of the amber liquid. Steeling myself, I down it and try to avoid coughing. I hate tequila. I keep around the edges of the dance floor, turning down numerous girls, and even some guys. About an hour passes and I'm about to call Annabeth to see where she is when the crowd ripples and this gorgeous woman steps into the club. She's tall, her blonde curls are up elegantly, and she's wearing a floor length grey dress that flows and hugs her body at the same time. Annabeth has always had a great figure. I watch as she goes to the bar and orders a drink, being served almost immediately. I knew she wouldn't have any problem getting in looking like that. Chuck appears at my side and he zeroes in on her.

"Hot damn! I am going in." He says and I stifle a laugh. Watching Annabeth reject him is going to be the highlight of my life. To my surprise though, she takes his outstretched hand and they start chatting. I watch in amusement as they flirt back and forth, before I have to intervene. 

"Introduce me to your pal, Chuck." I say pleasantly. Annabeth keeps a perfect poker face, though I can see her eyes shining in amusement. Chuck flashes me an annoyed look.

"Percy, the lovely Annabeth. I was just asking her if she would like to dance." Chuck says. Annabeth smiles.

"Actually I think I was going to ask the lovely Annabeth to dance." I interrupt and offer my beautiful girl my hand. She slips her soft hand into mine and slides gracefully off the stool.

"One dance can't hurt." She says, leading me. If there's one thing that Annabeth would never admit to, is that she loves to dance and damn if she isn't good at it too. Our cheeks are red from the heat by the time we go back to the bar. Chuck looks very displeased.

"Alright, we had our fun. Time to go." Annabeth says, shouldering her small bag.

"Hold up, you're forgetting one thing." I say and I spin her towards me, planting a sweet kiss on her lips.

"Chuck, my girlfriend Annabeth. Now, we really must be off, as it's late. Do me a favor though? Don't come back to our dorm tonight." I wink at him as Annabeth leads me out of the noisy night club. His face is priceless. Once we are outside in the fresh air, I take a deep breathe. My nose is clogged up with the smell of sweat and alcohol.

"Alright, I saved your butt. Now we go home." Annabeth says, ignoring all the looks she's getting from passing people. Annabeth really has no idea how gorgeous she actually is.

"No, now we go somewhere I can peel that dress off of you." I correct. She laughs and links her arm with mine as we walk back to the dorms where hopefully, I won't be getting any sleep.

What is your favorite moment in the PJO series? It's hard to choose but one of my top moments is when Percy arrives back at camp after being on Ogygia, and Annabeth yelling at him 😂 I felt that that was a pivotal moment for their relationship!

Hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote and leave a comment!



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