Where'd You Put It?

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"Percy, move the hell over! Kill him!" Jason yells at me, almost throwing his controller at me. I kill the zombie on the TV but something comes up behind me and suddenly my screen goes black as I've used up all my lives.

"Ah fuck this. I hate these games anyway." I say, chucking my controller onto the other side of the couch. Jason is always dragging me into two-player games and I suck at them. I grab my phone and look at the face of my gorgeous girlfriend that is my screen-saver. I thumb through my contacts until I find the one I want.

"Hey Al, it's Percy. The usual, OK? But double it, have more guys coming over." I order from our favorite pizzeria. We order from there at least twice a week. Annabeth is always getting on me about eating so much pizza but it's basically gods food so I don't listen.

"Who else is coming over? I thought it was just going to be you and I and Frank and Leo." Jason asks, his eyes still on the TV.

"Just a few guys from class." I tell him. I usually spend the weekends over at Annabeth's place just because we don't see each other much during the week but she had some function to go to this evening.

Everyone arrives and we are in the middle of an intense game of monopoly (yeah, we're wild!) when the front door swings open and Annabeth rushes in.

"Hey guys! Sorry, Percy, but I left my grey bra here and I need to wear it to this stupid event because the dumb dress is see through." Annabeth says as she dashes into my bedroom. I follow her in and she's going through the dirty clothes on the floor.

"It's not under there." I tell her and she straightens up.

"Well, where is it?" She asks, her hands on her hips. I know exactly where it is but I decide to have a little fun.

"Not sure, you might want to check the kitchen." I say. Her eyes narrow but she's desperate enough that she can't afford to not look in there. All the guys eyes follow her as she rummages through all the drawers.

"It's not in here, you jerk. I know you know where it is. So help me god, if you don't tell me where it is, the only action you'll be getting is from yourself." Annabeth glares. All my buddies snicker and my smile fades. She would never.

"Fine. It's in the bathroom." I say. I'd hung it up across the mirror because I knew she'd come looking for it sooner or later. And also because it's one of my favorites and I enjoy looking at it. She stomps past me and snatches it down. Her glare softens a tad towards me when she comes back out and I lean in for a kiss but she turns her head at the last second, basically friend zoning my lips as they land on her cheek instead. Well, shit. She's more pissed off than I realized.

"Come on, I don't even get a kiss?" I complain as she leaves. She just flips me off and I smile at my hard headed girl.

"I'd rather you did it!" I call in response to her crude gesture. She turns and gives me a wicked smile right before closing the door.

"Damn dude, that's your girlfriend?" My partner from Bio class, Mike, asks.

"Yep. She's a smart ass but I love her. Jason is dating her best friend." I say, effectively putting all the attention on him. He glares at me as they ask him questions about Piper.

I'm having a lot of fun writing AU's where they are mortal college aged kids! Sorry this one was kind of short though. 

Don't forget to check out the two AU's I am writing!

Hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote and leave a comment!



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