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i woke up and looked around. i tried to move my arms but i couldn't. i looked down and a pair of arms were snaked around me and i was laying on someone's chest. i looked back slightly and saw i was laying on daniel. i gasped quietly. i looked around as far as i could and saw all the other boys laying on the floor and at the end of the couch was zach. i was confused at first but then realised what had happened last night. we must have fallen asleep while watching the movie.

i stayed in daniels comfort as i really didn't have a choice, not that i minded.
after about twenty minutes of sitting in silence, i heard movement from the end of the couch. zach was waking up. he sat up and rubbed his eyes and then looked around. "zach!" i whispered. "stella?" he replied, whispering. he then started laughing. "that's so cute." he commented. "how long have you been awake?". "about twenty minutes." i smiled. "here, let me help you." zach smiled back. first he walked over to the island and grabbed my camera and snapped a picture of us. "zachary dean!" i quietly laughed. he laughed too. he then slowly took daniels hands away from my waist, being careful not to wake him. i slowly got up. "thanks zach." i smiled.

after an hour all the boys were awake. i dished up some pancakes while they all sat around. "thank you stella." corbyn smiled as i put the pancakes down. jack whipped his phone out and recorded an instagram boomerang. "now that's what you call an artsy boomerang!" jonah said while looking down at jacks phone. i laughed quietly while looking down.

i walked over to the fridge and opened it. as i was grabbing the orange juice, i felt a presence behind me, then followed by a hot breath on my neck. "sorry about last night." daniel whispered. i smiled and the turned around. i was met with a bright eyed boy who had a bit if scruff around his upper lip and chin. "don't worry about it." i replied. "oh and also, do me a favour and don't shave your cute little stubble, it really suits you." i smiled. "what you're saying is, you like it and want me to keep it." he winked at me, making me blush. "maybe."

i yawned as i was sprawled out on my couch. "stella is getting sleepy! can we please just go back to ours and have fun?" jack begged. "jack robert avery, i'll have you know i'm not moving from this comfy couch unless i get some spontaneous offer." i retorted, slightly smiling. "hmmm...." he thunk. "hey daniel!" jack called to him. daniel popped his head up in response. "you'll cuddle stella if she stays at ours, right?" "hey, last night was accidental." i said. "that's what you think, star." zach smirked. i looked over to daniel who was now blushing. "oh, so it was purposely." i grinned. "oh cmon! wasn't it obvious?" corbyn shouted. i smiled happily. daniel held me in his arms and it wasn't accidental.

after giving in, we arrived at the boys house. i went super comfy, sweatpants and an oversized hoodie with some old skool vans. "i'm tired." i groaned. "you're always tired." jonah snapped, jokingly. "you've known me for all of two weeks!" i sighed. "yep, and every single day you've complained about being tired." he shot back. "not necessarily 'complained'." i smiled to which jonah grinned back.

we all sat on the couch and picked a movie. "how about 'it'?" jack suggested. "uhm how about no?" i replied. "ah, you don't like horror movies, perfect!" he smirked. "i fucking hate clowns aswell." i sighed. "absolutely brilliant."
the movie was about halfways through and i had to leave the room. horror movies, clowns and me didn't mix well at all. i walked over to the counter in the kitchen and sat down. i took a deep breath and sighed. i heard footsteps then come towards the kitchen. i turned around and saw daniel coming. "hey stell." he smiled when he got infront of me. "hey dani." i replied. "not for you?" he said referring to the movie. "definitely not."
"your eyes are so amazing." daniel said while looking up at me. "no, yours are." i commented, looking directly into his ocean eyes. while staring at him he began to come closer and closer until the space between us had shut. our lips moved in sync while my arms draped around his neck and his hands were cupping my cheeks. needless to say, it was perfect.

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