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'hey guys,' i say into the camera that's in my hands.

'so, last night there was a video posted by, guess who, josh tate himself. he was with loads of other people george may have mentioned in some of his videos, like example durv, fucking durv!' i scream, earning me some strange looks, mainly because i was on the tube.

'so, everyone in that video, get off our dicks, thanks,' i say, turning off my camera and getting off at my stop.


yanny: i saw the fucking video are you okay did anyone attack you

me: i'm fine but george and i are worried pretty worried.

yanny; yeah, i get they're like 16 year olds but still they're scary biscuits.

me: yeah especially because they were literally outside george apartment building

yanny: you guys should move out, it's about time.

me: it's not even my apartment lmao

yanny: you practically live there

me: touché

yanny: get out of here with your french bs

me: brexit

yanny: has logged off

me: bitch it's not msn

yanny: cannot receive your message.

yeah so it's george's birthday today lmao

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