Desire ~ 2

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Remember to be silent princess" Yunho whispered into Jaejoong's ear while gripping his thigh, knowing exactly that it was hard for the older to contain the sounds of pleasure.
With a small smile the younger continued until it was starting to bore him so he decided to let his hand wander further up, softly caressing the slowly hardening arousal from the older.
„Please" he heard the older whisper but only shook his head, satisfied how quick he was able to make him beg for release.

„Jung Jaejoong could you stop your daydreaming now?" the teacher interrupted his thoughts after he watched him not paying attention at all during the whole lesson.
„Uh I'm sorry sir. It won't happen again" he mumbled and noticed Yunho's worried look that he quickly avoided, after all he was just fantasizing about him again.
„Is everything alright hyung?" he asked and Jaejoong quickly nodded, scolding himself internally for getting lost in thoughts so often in one day.
„Don't worry about me Yunho-yah" he simply replied and ignored his questioning gaze and instead tried to focus on the lesson which was absolutely impossible with such a vivid imagination as his.
He tried to suppress the groan to escape from his lips when his thoughts drifted away from the lesson again, stirring the attention of his classmates and teacher again.
„Is there something you want to communicate with the class Mr Jung?" their teacher asked again and Jaejoong felt his breath getting caught in his throat.
„Can I please go to the bathroom?" he croaked out and left as soon as the middle aged man gave him a small nod.
He really wasn't a big fan of the school's bathroom but he couldn't hold back any longer especially not with his growing desire to get touched in public places in the most inappropriate ways ever even if his object of desire would never be his.
Sighing he entered the boy's bathroom and was even more relieved when nobody was in there, giving him enough privacy to let his thoughts wander further away.
Leaning against the bathroom wall he felt his body heat up again and he didn't wait until it was as unbearable as it was this morning and instead started to massage his growing errection until he reached his second high this day, cleaning up and waiting for his breathing to even out before he returned back to class. His cheeks were still blushed and his classmates immediately noticed upon his return, soon the whole classroom was whispering to each other making up theories and rumors of what could have happened.
„Did you meet up with a girl?" he heard Yunho whisper beside him, shocked at his little brother's expectation.
„No why would you think that?" he replied and hoped he wouldn't ask any further as to what really happened.
„It was just an idea because you were away for quite some time but I'm glad if you didn't" Yunho simply said and focused back on the teacher, leaving the older speechless and silent until the bell rang, signaling their break.

Silently observing other people was one of Jaejoong's habits and not even their friends were spared of it, Jaejoong had quite a lot of things on his mind he wanted to ask the younger boys about but he knew better so he only observed without actually asking them the things he wanted to know in order to make sure he wasn't completely crazy now.
„Could you please stop staring at us like that? I always disliked it" one of his friends, Junsu, said as he approached with his lover.
„Sorry. Force of habit" the oldest of them replied and continued eating even if he couldn't stop his mind from forming more and more questions.
„I need to talk with you" he directed his order to the younger of them and stood up without waiting for his reply, glad when he saw that he followed him to his locker.
„I need to ask you something Junsu" he said with a sigh, already regretting what he was about to ask.
„Of course. Is everything alright? You seem a little agitated."
„I just want to make sure I'm not completely insane now and I'm sorry for the following question but you've been dating Yoochun for quite some time now" he started, waiting for the younger to nod so he could continue.
„Have you ever had the urge or desire of him touching you in the most inappropriate ways and situations? I don't have a boyfriend but the urge is still there and I feel like I'm completely insane because of it."
„Everybody has that desire. It doesn't matter if you're in a relationship or not, the body yearns for what it wants no matter the situation and sometimes you'll do crazy things in even crazier situations" he admitted and Jaejoong felt a wave of relief wash over him.
„I assume I can always count on you when I need your help or advice" he mumbled and saw the younger nod, glad to have a best friend like him.
„Sorry for that question but is there a special someone for you to have such thoughts?"
„Kind of" he replied and his gaze wandered back to Yunho sitting at their table.
„Let's go back or else Yoochun will miss you" Jaejoong said and had to laugh a bit at this, knowing exactly how clingy his own brother could be.
„Is everything alright?" Yunho asked only to see his older brother nodding at him with a smile.
Upon hearing that he felt relieved and happy seeing his brother smile again like that.
„I was still a little worried that you weren't feeling well hyung."
„Don't worry too much Yunho hyung. Your brother is perfectly fine" Junsu replied and winked at the older before he stood up, pulling Yoochun with him.
„Don't wait for us. We'll go back to class now" he said and Jaejoong knew exactly what kind of thought his friend had at the exact moment, making him chuckle a little bit before he started eating again.

I just love that kind of concept and I don't know why 😂😂 Also I love my lovely side couple (obviously) so it won't be solely YunJae 🙈

Desire (DBSK YunJae/YooSu)Where stories live. Discover now