Desire ~ 6

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„Ah Hyung you don't have to hold back. I know that you want this" Yunho whispered into the older's ear before he leaned down a bit more to leave a mark on Jaejoong's neck.
„Yunho-yah don't" he breathed out, trying his hardest to suppress a moan before he felt a hand on his arousal.
„I know that you want me hyung. Just enjoy it" he replied and slipped his hand further between his legs.

„Fuck" Jaejoong mumbled when he woke up, taking a few deep breaths in order to calm down a bit from his exciting dream.
„Is everything alright?" he heard Junsu ask after a few minutes.
„I ... no not really" he whispered and felt his eyes fill with tears. Everytime he'd dreamt of Yunho he was disgusted and disappointed in himself and now was the first time someone else knew about this and was there to be with him so he just decided to say the truth.
„Do you want to talk about it?" Junsu asked and switched on the light before he sat down beside his best friend.
„I dream of him almost every night. It's getting worse with each dream" he whispered, running his shaky hand through his shoulder-length brown hair before he dared to look up at the younger.
„I'm afraid that I can't control myself any longer. How sick is it to dream of your brother like that?"
„I'm sorry that you have to experience this and I don't really know how to help you except that I'll always be here for you when you need me or need help."
„Thank you Su, I'm very grateful but I don't know how to continue. I feel like I've already lost every bit of self-control. Yesterday he was taking a shower and it was so hard to not imagine him showering and then I walked past the door he even moaned. I feel so sick that I'm aroused by my little brother's moans. I should protect him from people like me Su."
„I'll be back in a few minutes" Junsu suddenly said and got up, confusing the older boy who only sighed in frustration.
„I guess you'll need this" he heard Junsu call from afar before he came back into view with a bottle of whiskey and two glasses.
„Junsu where do you have this from?" Jaejoong questioned, hoping the younger wouldn't get in trouble because of this.
„A friend of Junho brought him this but I know that he has more than this and since him and my parents aren't here it's alright" he explained while pouring them both a glass.
„And you think this will help?" he questioned while looking at his glass, hoping it wouldn't get out of control.
„Definitely" Junsu replied and downed his first glass, surprised at the burn in his throat.
It didn't took Jaejoong long to gulp down his first glass and pour himself another one, he liked the taste of the whiskey and the feeling it left in his throat and stomach. It was after 3 glasses that he felt himself getting a bit dizzy but he was already feeling better, he wasn't thinking about Yunho once.
„Hyung are you okay?" Junsu chuckled when he saw the older lying on the floor giggling softly.
„I feel amazing Suu" he sang, grabbing the bottle to pour himself another glass.
They both weren't sober anymore but neither of them cared about anything at this point, they weren't even really thinking anymore and just enjoyed the intoxication.
„Ah Su I'm so much in love" Jaejoong happily giggled before taking another sip of his drink, rolling over so he was lying on his tummy, looking at his best friend.
„You are, aren't you?"
„Oh yes I am. I can't wait to tell him" he replied and was about to grab his phone if it weren't for Junsu snatching his phone away.
„That's not a good idea hyung" he replied, being the most sober one of the two.
„Yah give me my phone" Jaejoong whined and tried to get up but stumbled back down to the floor.
„We'll go see him tomorrow hyung. Tell him in person" the younger reasoned and saw a pout forming on the older's face.
„Fine" he snapped, his pout only growing bigger as he finished his glass.
„Ah hyung you look adorable when you're drunk" Junsu giggled and noticed that the older got even crankier.
„I'm not" he mumbled and yawned in the exact same moment he said that, missing that the younger secretly took a picture of him.
„Yeah whatever you say" Junsu simply replied and was about to fill his glass again when he noticed that the bottle was already empty.
„Hyung it's empty."
„What? Don't you have more Su-yah?" he groaned and looked at him with puppy eyes.
„I'm sorry no" his best friend replied and tossed the bottle away.
„We should sleep anyway".
„But I don't want to" Jaejoong whispered, burying his face in his pillow.
Laughing Junsu lay down in his own bed and they both fell asleep only a few seconds after, the alcohol making it easier to fall asleep.
For the first time in a while Jaejoong wasn't dreaming about Yunho, the alcohol helped him to ban him from his mind for this one night.

Probably the worst filler chapter I've ever written 😂😂 Please forgive me, the next ones will be better. Hopefully ^^

Desire (DBSK YunJae/YooSu)Where stories live. Discover now