Desire ~ 12

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"What should we do now?" Jaejoong sighed softly as he felt Yunho's embrace tightening.
"I don't know but I love you hyung. You mean everything to me" Yunho replied, feeling his own inner conflict approach.
"We're brothers we shouldn't be doing this kind of stuff together" the oldest replied while trying to free himself from his brother's strong embrace.
"No hyung let's not talk about this, please. We both wanted this so please don't leave."
"Yunho I'm your older brother. I should be protecting you from such perverts and bastards like I am."
"You aren't. I've thought about you every minute of the day, hoping that you can reciprocate my feelings for you hyung. I don't need protection, I only need you by my side" the younger pleaded, not wanting to lose the older again.
"Our parents will hate us Yunho. Nobody will accept us, they wouldn't understand."
"They don't have to know. We don't have to tell anyone but please don't make me watch you being with other people again, I can't stand it."
"Yunho it's wrong. Why can't you understand?" the older cried out in frustration while sitting up forcefully, managing to slip out of the younger's embrace.
"Tell me you don't love me and I'll never bother you again" Yunho replied shortly after, a rather hard look on his face as he waited for an answer.
"I can't."
"See because you feel what I feel about you. Why can't we try? I promise you to be careful so nobody will find out."
"It won't be that easy Yunho. Nobody must ever find out that this happened" he sighed, not knowing how to ever forget this when it was all he ever wanted.
"Hyung please I really like you, I've always liked you but today made me realize that my feelings for you are already so much more than just brotherly. I never want to leave you so please accept me. I'll do everything to make you happy, I promise you."
"I'm so confused Yunho. I've been wanting you for so long but you're my brother. I should have never done this to you" Jaejoong replied with his head hanging low as he couldn't look at his brother any longer.
"Just forget everything and enjoy the moment. I'll make you happy, I'll do my best" Yunho softly replied, carefully caressing his cheek to make him look at him.
"Can we do this? Hiding from everyone that we're in a relationship?"
"You still have Junsu, he knows right?" Yunho asked as he remembered why they were in this situation in the first place.
"I told him when I was drunk."
"I know. He's the reason I even approached you. He made me realize how badly I wanted and needed you."
"We have to be careful Yunho-yah" Jaejoong whispered as he was looking directly at the younger, purposely inching a bit closer.
"I promise you. We can do it" he replied before their lips met in a soft gentle kiss, pouring all of their emotions into it. Jaejoong could feel himself getting completely lost in the kiss, barely noticing the clicking of the door in the background.
It took him one moment before pushing Yunho away and hiding in the blankets while searching for his clothes.
"What's wrong?"
"Our parents just came home. Hurry up and get dressed" Jaejoong sighed, quickly changing into his clothes while throwing Yunho's clothes onto the bed.
"Alright. You go ahead" Yunho mumbled while trying to get his pants on, encouraging the older with a nod before he left the bedroom.
He carefully closed the bedroom door and stepped closer to the kitchen, already hearing their parents hushed voices.
"I still don't think we should tell them. I don't really trust what Junsu said" their mother sighed while sitting down on the table, her head resting on her palms as her husband gently rubbed her back.
"Let's just wait for some time. Maybe we can tell them when the time is right" he replied and she only nodded, neither of them noticing Jaejoong's presence.
"Did something happen today?" he asked while stepping into the kitchen, noticing how startled they both looked.
"No we were just in the city for a while."
"Is it alright if I go out for a while?" Jaejoong asked cautiously, not wanting to anger them in any way.
"Where will you go?"
"I'll be meeting with Junsu. He said he has to tell me a few things."
"Are you sure you want to meet up with him? I'm not sure if he's good company for you."
"He's my best friend" the older simply replied, not caring about his parents hesitant expression.
"To be honest Jaejoong I'd like it better if you would stay away from him."
"He's the only person I trust completely so why do you want to take that away from me?"
"We just want the best for you."
"If you'd want the best for me you wouldn't leave me alone with Yunho" he cried out in frustration, leaving his parents behind while storming out of the door.

Short chapter for sure but I hope I can update more in the future but my life's currently busy with work, caring for and training my horse and having time to see my boyfriend so yeah. But I hope you enjoy this short (and crappy) chapter.

Desire (DBSK YunJae/YooSu)Where stories live. Discover now