Desire ~ 9

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The past days felt like the worst in Jaejoong's life, finally realizing how much it hurt to get ignored especially by the person he loves more than himself. He realized how wrong he was and he only wanted Yunho to talk to him again, going back to how everything was before Jaejoong's hormones started acting up on him. He missed spending time with his younger brother so much that he found himself sad and devastated every evening the younger ignored him. It was taking a toll on him, the many sleepless nights and his carelessness. He was willing to do everything to get the younger to talk to him again, even supressing all of his feelings if that meant Yunho would talk to him again. He wasn't in the mood to go to school anymore and he didn't really pay much attention, all of it focused on his younger brother. It didn't take long for Yunho to notice too, making him worry about his brother as he continued to only watch him. He wasn't normally like that but he hoped that if he would ignore him only a bit longer than Jaejoong would tell him everything that bothered him without leaving out anything. He wanted to be the one to hug him and tell him that everything will be alright, that he'll forever be by his side and take care of him. There were so many things he wanted to tell him but he knew he couldn't, that it was hopeless after all.
"Yah Yunho pay attention" Yoochun nudged him during the class, saving him from their teacher's lecture about paying attention but not from Jaejoong's gaze.
"Thank you" Yunho whispered back, trying to pay attention to the teacher but he felt distracted soon enough, feeling a bit uncomfortable knowing that both Jaejoong and Junsu where looking at him.
"Ignore them. You know that they are always talking and gossiping, they are too curious for their own good" Yoochun whispered while writing down some of the things the teacher said.
"Charming that you think about your boyfriend like that" the older retorted, looking over to the two friends who quickly looked away when they met Yunho's gaze.
"He can be a real bitch sometimes but I still love him. You learn to love everything about your partner as different as you may be."
"Yoochun-ah actually am in love" Yunho mumbled, scared of his friend's reaction.
"Really? Who is it?"
"I can't tell you but I'm starting to feel really devastated. I know exactly that we can never bw together."
"Never say never. Junsu and I hated each other before we became a couple."
"You were an asshole, I would have hated you too. Do you know how many girls you've hurt by flirting with them but never going out with them?"
"It was never my intention. I didn't want to believe that I was attracted towards another man and they always tried to flirt so I just did it. I never thought that Junsu would make me question myself like that."
"Not only Junsu" Yunho mumbled, exhaling as the bell saved him from Yoochun's questions.
He quickly got up and left the classroom as he did the past days in order not to meet Jaejoong, he was really holding onto his plan.
"Jung Yunho stop in your tracks immediately" a voice suddenly exclaimed, one that Yunho heard a lot of times already and made him immediately stop in his tracks. Despite being older he felt scared when he heard the younger use this tone of voice.
"Why are you ignoring him? Do you know how much he's suffering?" Junsu exclaimed while approaching Yunho, making Yunho's pulse rise in panic.
"He did the same to me."
"You don't understand, he's done it because of a different reason. Are you doing it because he made out with Changmin?" the younger asked and Yunho only remained silent, not wanting to admit that he's jealous.
"It was my idea, not his. Tell him that you were jealous and sort things out. He's giving himself up so go and save your brother. He's your hero so don't let him go."
"Junsu stop bothering him" Jaejoong called from afar, for the first time looking up at Yunho to look at him properly. It shocked Yunho to see his beautiful brother with dark eye circles and messy hair, his skin looking sickeningly paler than ever
before. He remembered how his eyes usually sparkled with so many emotions but now they seemed dull and lifeless.
"Do you see what you've done to him? Save him before it's too late" Junsu hissed before following Jaejoong, letting the older stand there in shock while watching his brother and best friend leave.

I'm sorry for letting you wait but I'm back and I hope you remember me and this story. I really hope you'll continue reading this even though this update is short. I'll soon update again.

Desire (DBSK YunJae/YooSu)Where stories live. Discover now