Desire ~ 14

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"What happened" Jaejoong questioned as he stood in Junsu's room, looking at the distressed boy.
"His father said he's a disappointment" Yoochun mumbled while softly rubbing his back and trying to make him believe that he wasn't.
"Wah he really did say that?!" Jaejoong asked while kneeling down in front of the younger.
"He did."
"You're not the only one Su. My parents feel the same way about me" Jaejoong replied while softly nudging his knee to make him look at him.
"Why would they? You're literally perfection" he sighed.
"Su I fell in love with my brother" he reminded, realizing only now why he even visited the younger.
"He's not your real brother" Junsu suddenly blurted out, only then remembering what his parents told him.
"What? Su what are you talking about?"
"You don't have to be a genius to find that out Jaejoong hyung. Your birthdays aren't 9 months apart" Yoochun cut in, hoping that the older would finally realize.
"Su what do you know?"
"You're adopted. Your parents were too scared to tell you and they also begged me not to tell you."
"So Yunho and I aren't brothers?" he asked in disbelief, still trying to process that new information.
"You aren't blood-related so yes you aren't brothers."
"I can't tell you how glad I am Su" Jaejoong mumbled while hugging the younger, feeling all of his worries suddenly fade.
"It wasn't incest" he whispered to himself, happy that his feelings weren't directed to his real brother.
"Hyung what did you do?" Junsu suddenly asked carefully, not really sure why the older said that particular thing.
"Something happenend yesterday Su" he mumbled, feeling a bit scared to tell the younger.
"Please tell me it isn't what I think" Junsu replied but Jaejoong only looked at him with a solemn expression.
"At least we're not real brothers, aren't we?" the older replied and the younger could only nod in agreement.
"Do you want to sleep over today?" Junsu asked but Jaejoong only shook his head.
"No I have to know the truth from them. I want to know about my real parents."
"I think it would be better if you come with me tonight" Yoochun replied, all of his attention directed to the younger.
"You shouldn't stay here after what happened" Jaejoong agreed, hoping that he would be okay.
"Fine I'll go with you then" Junsu sighed as he got up to pack a few clothes.
"Thank you so much for telling me the truth SuSu" Jaejoong mumbled as he suddenly embraced the younger again. He was happy that he actually wasn't a part of this family, that he had other parents than his brother and they weren't actually related. He felt all of his worries simply fade away by that and most importantly he could love Yunho without doubting himself anymore.
"I'm sorry for not telling you earlier."
"It's fine. I'm just glad I do know that. At least now I don't feel like a complete pervert anymore" the older mumbled, letting go of his friend after some time.
"Are you ready to go?" Yoochun questioned, taking the younger's hand into his to which he only smiled.
"Honestly I'm so sick of hiding. I mean they practically already know that you're my boyfriend but I don't want to be ashamed of who I am anymore" he replied while tightening his grip around his boyfriend's hand.
"Let's go" Jaejoong said as he was the first to leave the room, going downstairs all together. Junsu felt like the safe and protected word he grew up in fell apart piece by piece, realizing what a lie it all was. Everything was fine as long as he did what his parents wanted but now he was useless to them, disappointing them with every single one of his actions. He needed to stay strong, feeling his heart almost breaking when he saw his whole family sitting on the couch as they were staring at him coldly.
"Where are you going?" his mother asked, her eyes dull and empty as she seemingly looked through him.
"I'll go with Yoochun" he simply stated, not letting go of his hand.
"No you won't. You're grounded so you better think about what you did wrong" his father stated almost immediately.
"How can you say that? Being in love isn't wrong."
"You think I don't know? About the fact that you were playing around and sleeping with random guys like a whore? You even messed around with one of my employees" he screamed, everyone taken aback by the statement.
"Honey is that true?" Mrs Kim asked with tears in her eyes, not wanting to believe this.
"Su tell me he's lying" Yoochun mumbled, hoping it was just a tactic of his.
"I'm sorry Yoochun. I can't" he replied, feeling how the older slowly let go of his hand.
"It's the best to leave now" Junsu mumbled, directing it towards his friends.
"Su" Jaejoong started, wanting to help him somehow.
"Just go. Both of you" he almost yelled, surprising both of them as he never raised his voice in front of them.
Without another word Yoochun and Jaejoong left him alone, feeling hurt that he was hiding such big secrets.
It wasn't just his imagination, Junsu knew that for sure now, the world he knew and grew up in had fallen apart completely. There was nothing left now anymore and he didn't know what was now awaiting him.

I want to punsh myself. First I don't update for such a long time and then it's such a crappy one. >.<

Desire (DBSK YunJae/YooSu)Where stories live. Discover now