Chapter 10: Underneath the Underneath

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Naruto stood underneath the shower head, the blonde in his hair slowly fading to black as he scrubbed the dye out of his hair. Yes, his blonde hair was an illusion, something to help misdirect the public so they can't claim him to be Orochimaru's spawn or anything.

He had black hair. He wasn't sure if it was natural, or if it was an alteration due to Orochimaru's experiments from what the Hokage told him, he couldn't remember due to the experiments, all he could remember was before and after the experiments, nothing more, nothing less. 

He got out of the shower and looked at himself in the mirror. He frowned as he saw the scars on his chest and on his arms. He also didn't like his black hair, he much preferred the blonde, hence why he dyed it. He sighed before he did the long process of dyeing ones hair and after he was finished and had gotten dressed, he walked out the door and quickly shushined to the Jonin Lounge, where the Third Hokage, and all the rest of the Jonin senseis were. Sarutobi smiled as he saw Naruto enter the room.

"Now everyone is hear, as you all know, the Chunin Exams are approaching and are going to be held in the Leaf Village, I would like to know who is recommending their Genin for the said exams." Everyone went and recommended their Genin, and only Naruto stood still, has back against the wall as he thought about it. 

"I don't want them in the Exams yet." Naruto spoke, and a collective gasp was heard. Kurenai turned around and looked at the blonde. 

"Why not Naruto-senpai? Everyone else is doing it. It'd be a great experience." Asuma then decided to speak up. 

"Yeah, I think that it will teach them a lot." Naruto narrowed his eyes at the two. 

"Or, it will get them killed. The Chunin Exams are dangerous, and my Genin, no matter how strong they are, aren't ready, period. I'd rather have an alive team then a chance they might die in a stupid pissing contest of instructors." He said darkly before he looked at Hiruzen. 

"I do not nominate Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, and Kiba Inuzuka to take part in the Chunin Exams." He stated. "Doing so would rush them to grow up sooner than I want, and besides," He smiled a little bit, lightening the mood, his eyes closed. "I'd be lonely if all my Genin went away." Asuma's eyes widened. 

"I thought you didn't want to be a teacher because you hated kids." Naruto's eyes widened. 

"Holy fuck you're right." 

"Naruto," The Hokage began, his eyes stern and his voice hardened. "As much as I hate to do this, I must. Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, and Kiba Inuzuka WILL be taking place in this years Chunin Exams. There are a lot of people wanting to see the last Uchiha and the Inuzuka heir fight, and besides, this is a valuable learning experience." Naruto's small smile disappeared instantly as he glared at the Hokage. 

"As you wish, Hiruzen." He said, calling the Hokage by his first name. He was instantly surrounded by three Anbu, swords pointing at his throat. 

"To disrespect the Hokage is an act of treason, which is punishable by death." The one with the Cat mask said in a montone voice. Everyone held their breath, while Hiruzen only watched, his eyes studying the encounter. 

"If I see your swords come an inch closer to me," He cracked his finger, his eyes flashing green. "I'll kill you." He said softly, sending out waves upon waves of KI in the air, making the Anbu and even the rest of the people in the room flinch and take a step back. 

"Anbu!" The Hokage yelled. "Stand down." He ordered. The Anbu bowed and instantly disappeared, leaving Naruto looking at the door, his back faced towards the rest of the Jonin senseis. 

"Congrats, you saved three lives. You should be proud." Naruto said before he walked through the door.

"This isn't good." Hiruzen said, taking a puff from his pipe. He made a quick hand sign, making sure that all the opening in the room were sealed off from sound, he then turned to the other Jonin. 

"Now for the real purpose of this meeting." He began. "Naruto Namikaze, or Naruto Uzumaki if you prefer, is beginning to show results of becoming what he once was three years ago." Everyone shivered at the memory of the black haired boy with green eyes. 

"We can't have that, he'll be unstable, but most of all, he'll be unpredictable. That's why we did this in the first place, out of fear that he might go on a killing spree in the name of Orochimaru. He might've been sent back as a spy for all we know, so it is crucial he does NOT remember who he was, so please, for the love of God, try not to make him angry, or trigger flashbacks, it'll be the doom for us all if he does." 

"I also called in Jiraiya so he can seal his memories again if needed. Naruto is a flight risk, even worse than Sasuke Uchiha, if he remembers, and we can't seal his memories in time," He shuddered. "Then..." 

With Naruto

"Stupid old man, stupid Uchiha, stupid heirs and stupid people." Naruto muttered to himself. He was pissed. How dare that stupid Hokage make him enter his team? Just so some petty bitches could be entertained? He couldn't give less than negative six fucks about who wanted to watch the Inuzuka heir or the last Uchiha fight. He yawned, but suddenly found a pile of sand on the ground. "The hell?" He said as he walked closer to the sand. 

It was kind of red, like someone had put the sand in a LOT ketchup in it before mixing it up. He went to touch it, before it moved away completely, right behind a boy with red hair and the kanji for love on his forehead, his eyes wide and crazed as he grinned at Naruto. 

"Mother wants your blood!" 

And done. I'm tired. Nighty night.

Til next time my lil demons! 

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