Chapter 24 - Interception

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"REPEAT: ROMAN TO SANCTUARY. CODE RED. MEN DOWN." A man's voice broke through static on the Saviors' radios. Simon and DJ heard it out in the yard, Aven and Negan in Negan's office, Dwight and his men out in the field.

"What's your 20?" Simon was the first to respond.

"Route 4. A few miles off 458," Roman replied, his voice badly strained. "I'm shot."

"We're a long ways off from there. How many down?" asked Dwight, standing in the woods in a concerned huddle with his team as they listened in closely. In the office, Negan could only stare at the radio in his furiously shaking hand; all Aven could do was stare back at him.

"Everyone. Five. This bitch-" Roman's voice broke off for a second. "This tiny little bitch...from Alexandria..." Negan's frown deepend at the mention of the community. "She was crying and crying...we were gonna take her there...use her to get in...she fucking opened fire and killed everyone." Aven leaned in, listening intently; this sounded like a very capable woman.

"Simon, you and your men better already be out the fucking gate," Negan finally growled.

"Working on it," Simon replied. Negan was about to tell him to work faster when Roman came through again.

"Th-there's a car coming down the road. I need to move." Roman inadvertently kept his thumb on the button, pushing the car door open with a creak and a pained groan. "Let go man...just let go," he said, presumably to one of the other victims. He slipped his finger off the button and there was another moment of radio silence before he came back through. "Two just put Jiro out of his misery...they're talking about the Saviors...they're looking for her...they're with her. It's definitely them."

"Help is on the way," Simon interrupted. "Stay out of sight. We'll radio when we're close."


"Switch to channel 5," instructed Negan. "I want radio fucking silence on this channel unless it has to do with the Alexandrians." 

"You won't be getting much silence then, boss," Dwight grunted. "We're coming up on a group of 'em in the woods. Staying back until we're sure they're alone, three or four of 'em...wait..." Dwight trailed off and everyone went silent, worried that radioing might compromise his position. "Intercepting communication...something's wrong at their base...said 'Get her to Hilltop to save the baby.'" Negan's anger visibly subsided and his lips curled into a grin.

"Maybe I have to pay Gregory another fucking visit," Negan muttered to himself.

"You want us to intercept?" Simon asked. "Send someone else out for Roman? We're going that way anyway."

"Sounds like they're fixing to leave," Dwight said. "Getting a crew together. Rick's going." An unstoppable smile dawned on Aven's face when she saw the triumphant fire in Negan's eyes, a plan quickly falling into place. He switched the radio channel and called on someone Aven didn't know to go out and find Roman, the voice immediately confirming. Then Negan switched the channel back.

"Dwight, keep following the stragglers. If they're alone, take 'em and hold 'em," he ordered. "Simon, block route 295 to Hilltop. Radio Gavin at outpost B to block off all other routes. No fucking casualties. I want these fucks alive. Aim fire at their feet."

"Wait," Aven said, snapping out of her admiring gaze. "They're trying to save a baby?"

"I'm trying to save as many fucking lives as I can," Negan growled. Aven put her hands up in surrender and backed off.

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