Chapter 34 - Boys' Night

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"So how's the bitch?" Simon asked Negan after calling and pushing his chips into the pot. His tone was rude but Negan didn't correct him, taking it as more of a compliment towards Aven. They sat around a table in what used to be the wive's lounge, playing poker with Dwight, Jared, and a few other Saviors. This time they didn't have to use toothpicks for the pot; they had an abundance of poker chips, even though they weren't worth anything anymore and only mattered in their games.

"Hasn't pulled a gun on anyone," Negan snorted. "So that's a start."

"If I'm being honest, I don't see the merit in keeping her," Simon observed unconfrontationally. "Must be a damn good lay."

"That's not my main reason for keeping her," Negan chuckled. "But it's on the list.

"So?" Simon asked. "What's she doing here?" Negan peered up at him from behind his cards, his eyes narrowed in agitation. "Hey, I'm not questioning your judgement, boss. I am truly curious. I know there's gotta be something you're seeing that I'm not."

"Well that is exactly fucking it, Simon," Negan hummed, examining his cards. "She sees things that we don't have time to see on the job." Simon raised an eyebrow curiously. "She took extensive fucking notes on that first night with the Alexandrians. Figured out who they were while we were busy keeping them in line. I initially was just gonna have her organize things better around here- which she did, have you seen my god damn office? I actually know where shit is now."

"Interesting," Simon grumbled. The game continued for another round before he spoke again. "Sounds like she'd be the perfect wife if she didn't have such a shit attitude-"

"Hey," Negan interrupted him. "Watch it."

"Is she a wife?" Dwight asked distractedly, scanning the cards on the table.

"Seems like it," Simon interjected.

"She's the only bitch I'm currently banging. Is that enough god damn information for you?"

"Sorry, boss. I guess I'm just concerned," Simon said softly.

"Don't be," chimed Negan. "If I could deal with four fucking women at a time you really don't think I can deal with one?"

"I don't doubt your judgement but I'm sure you of all people understand why I'm a little wary of her. She's clearly a very smart girl, I just want to make sure she's using those brains wisely."

"She doesn't follow the rules," Dwight mumbled.

"She doesn't follow the rules because she doesn't have to," Negan hissed. "She's not a Savior. She' outside consultant."

"That sleeps in your room..." Simon confirmed.

"Simon, am I fucking required to brief you on every aspect of every professional and personal relationship?"

"I apologize," Simon replied. "Not doubting you, just worried about her."

"Dwighty boy, what do you think" Negan grinned at him. "You've been awfully fucking quiet on the subject and I know you have your qualms."

"She thinks she has too much freedom," Dwight snapped. "Doesn't fucking get how it works around here."

"Am I putting too much trust in her? Giving her too much power?" Negan spoke softly but almost menacingly. Dwight knew those questions were traps: he didn't want to directly question Negan's actions but Negan already knew his answer anyway. Lying had worse consequences than honesty.

"I think she's dangerous," Dwight said steadily, keeping his eyes on his cards. "I don't doubt your perspective on her but I think she's smart enough that she could try to...I don't know, turn things around. Take more than she deserves."

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