Chapter 42 - Strategic Adjustments

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Aven was strolling the yard early in the morning, getting a breath of fresh air on her way to meet Negan and his advisers in the wake of the incident with the newest intruder. In the distance, she saw Dwight standing by a row of bikes and suddenly he jumped backwards before bending down and pulling what appeared to be an arrow out of a bike tire. Aven made her way towards him and watched him disappear inside for a few minutes before coming back with a crossbow. He spent a moment fidgeting with one of the arrows and loading it before shooting it off, through the fence and out of sight, not noticing Aven ten yards away.

"Dwight, what are you doing?" she called out suspiciously, coming closer. He spun around and stared at her with a hard expression for a moment.

"Walker," he mumbled as she reached him.

"So? They can't get in," she replied. "And we keep them alive for a reason." She eyed the bike he'd been examining; it was lopsided, one tire deflating quickly. "What's wrong with this bike?" she asked.

"Punctured tire," he replied, stepping around her to walk back inside.

"How'd it get punctured?"

"How should I know?" he replied, not turning back.

"And where are the extra guards? Negan wants someone stationed every thirty yards and he's under the impression you facilitated that."

"There should be people every thirty yards," he spat back, trying not to come across too frustrated with her valid questions. "I'll find out who was supposed to be here after the meeting."

"We need the gate manned now," she ordered. "Your leader has been targeted twice now in his own home. Do your fucking job and do it now." She brushed past him to head to the meeting he was probably attending as well. "I'll tell Negan you're fortifying the perimeter. Don't be too fucking late." Aven disappeared inside and Dwight glared after her for a moment and then looked back at the edge of the woods before going to find the guards he'd dismissed from the area only twenty minutes earlier.

At the meeting with Simon, DJ, Arat, and Wade, Negan was informed of a message from Jadis, the leader of the community based at a dump, which Aven had yet to see. She informed them that Rick had come to her seeking help to turn on the Saviors and that he was planning an attack during the next pickup at Alexandria, which was to take place the following day. Jadis had agreed to his deal but as per her deal with the Saviors, knew they'd be willing to top Rick's offer, and they did.

"Tell her to show anyway," Negan informed Simon, who had been in contact with the so-called "garbage people." "Tell her to play nice until we get there. That way we have eyes and guns on the inside so Rick can't pull any shit that'll get more fucking people killed. If he does, tell her to open fire on the whole community."

"Why aren't we just leveling the whole fucking place to begin with?" Simon asked impatiently.

"People are a resource," Aven interjected from her seat near Negan, who sat as usual at the head of the table.

"Correct," Negan said, grinning at her. "And some of these people are going to be a damn fine fucking resource once they get in line. Carl will be one of my top guys when he's done being so fucking hormonal and moody. In the meantime, though, we need to figure out what to do with this new intruder."

"Sasha," Dwight said, entering the room.

"Look who decided to fucking show," Negan chimed.

"I had to fortify the perimeter," Dwight mumbled, glaring at Aven. "She was supposed to tell you."

"She did but I fail to fucking understand why you had to fortify just now when I told you to do it last night," Negan said. Dwight opened his mouth to retort but held himself back.

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