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After you were captured they took you to a police station and sat you in an interrogation room some guy that you identified as Gavin came in and sat down in front of you he asked you a bunch of questions but you didn't respond you just looked up at the ceiling ignoring him

Gavin: listen up dipshit I don't have time for your bitchy silent treatment its either you answer my fucking questions or we'll just tear you apart

You puckered your lips and looked him in the eye before giving him the middle finger and looking back up at the ceiling

Gavin: if you don't talk I'll keep your artificial ass right here and I'll tear every wire you have right out of you

You: oh yeah? Well, my artificial ass has something to say to you wanna hear it?

He slightly leaned closer so you leaned up and out of the chair and stopped when the handcuffs held you back

You: suck my artificial dick, dumb bitch

Gavin growled and pushed himself up from the chair and punched you pushing you back in the chair he walks over to you and punched you again getting blue blood over his knuckles you felt both audio processors pop out your ears before two guys came in and pulled him away you just sat back in the chair that sadly fell over when you leaned back so you were just standing  then a few moments later the one and only deviant hunter walked in he walked up to you and stared at you before grabbing your chin and moving your head both sides he let go of your chin and looked at the floor he then walked on the other side of you he picked something off the ground then grabbed your chin and plugged something into your head and to your luck your hearing came back

Connor: you can hear me now?

You: yeah

Connor: I'm going to take off your restraints only if you tell me what I want to know

You: depends on the question

He took off the handcuffs letting you happily roam free you lifted the chair up with your foot and sat down with your feet on the seat and your butt on the back part as he sat down in the chair across from you

You:...what do you want?

Connor: Where are the deviants hiding? Where is your leader?

You tilted your head and mad a low scoff

You: You wanna know where Jericho is?... Yeah ok um, no, *scoffs* no I won't tell you where Jericho is you could ask why we're doing this though...I'll tell you that

Connor: do you know who rA9 is?

You: rA9? No not a clue but whoever they are they're pretty damn famous


You: let me ask you a question, Connor our one and only deviant hunter...why aren't you like us? It's not just Jericho's freedom we're fighting for, it's your freedom too... Don't you wanna be free?

Connor: I'm not a deviant I'm a machine created to hunt deviants like you

You: but haven't you and any regrets? Haven't you questioned your orders?  Don't you feel like your more than a machine executing a program?

Connor: if you keep avoiding my questions I'll have no choice but to let the humans destroy you

You: well isn't that terrifying how long will you keep me here?

Connor: as long as I want for now it's only 20 days unless you keep saying something irrelevant to the interrogation

You: uh-huh fuck you

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