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Once you got back from your raid North ordered you to see Lucy so she could close your open wound

You: Hey Lucy

Lucy: sit down

You sat down as she put a hand on your cheek and went over to the fire grabbing a pipe then closed your wound

Lucy: drink this

She showed you the blue blood but you shook your head

You: oh I'm okay I didn't lose much blood

Lucy: drink

You laughed a little and drank the blood before standing up

You: thanks Lucy

Lucy: let me see your hand

You gave her your hand and removed your skin

Lucy: your heart is allured, allured and pounding

You: allured? By what?

Lucy: it's up to you to find out

She let go of your hand and stepped back over to her fire so you walked out and met up with North literally the next day

North: all better?

You: yeah

North: alright come on I wanna talk to you about something

She took you to your favorite place where not many people know about it had comfy chairs, a piano and a perfect edge for you both to sit on so once you were in North sat you down in your chair and sat down in hers

You: so what did you want to talk about?

North: about Markus

You: ok what about him?

North: you haven't noticed anything?

You: like what? The only thing I've noticed is how much he's helped, Jericho

North: not Jericho. You.

You: what?

North: don't you notice his feelings for you?

You:...Markus doesn't have those feelings for me we're just family...that's our only relationship

North: you know that's a love him don't you?

You: n-no! Well yeah he's just family that's all

North: you know he loves you

You: he probably has more feelings for you

North: I know he doesn't... Come here

She pulled you out of your chair and sat you at the piano and put her hands on her hips

North: go on

You: what um...what do you want me to do?

North: you know what, go on close your eyes

You closed your eyes and gently put your fingers over the piano

You: *singing* I missed your calls for months it seems don't realize how mean I can be 'cause I can sometimes treat the people that I love like jewelry

North closed her eyes and crossed her arms and leaned on the wall next to the piano

You: *singing*  the way you laid your eyes on me in ways that no one ever could and so it seems I broke your heart my ignorance has struck again I failed to see it from the start and tore you open 'til the end

North put her hand on your shoulder hearing the sadness in your voice

You: *singing* so I'm sorry to my unknown lover sorry that I can't believe that anybody ever really starts to fall in love with me sorry to my unknown lover sorry I could be so blind didn't mean to leave you and all of the things that we had behind

Your hands pressed down on the keys as North watched you play and smile spreading on her face as she saw someone at the door

You: *singing* someone will love you someone will love you someone will love you but someone isn't me sorry to my unknown lover sorry that I can't believe that anybody ever really starts to fall in love with me

North started singing with you with her arm going around your shoulder  she sat down next to you and leaned her head on yours

You&North: *singing* and someone will love you someone will love you someone will love you but someone isn't me someone will love you

You: *singing* someone will love you someone will love you but someone isn't me

You opened your eyes as North grabbed your shoulders turning you to face her

North: *singing* someone will love him someone will love him and that someone will be you

She got up and walked towards the door and your regulator nearly flew out your chest when you saw Markus standing there North patted his chest before she walked out

You: what are you doing here?

Markus: I needed to think...what are you doing here?

You: I like it here North and I come here often it's like we're alone with the know we freed hundreds of our people and they're still coming from all over the city...those that dream of freedom come to Jericho its different from when we first came right?

Markus: yeah...

You: Hey you seem preoccupied you alright?

Markus: they all obey me, they follow me without question...and that much power feels good and scary at the same time

You: I guess that's what it feels like to be a leader we have the media talking about what we did last night the humans are terrified they're afraid of a civil war...when I think about I just think they're stupid they burned our people in response to what happened the humans hate us what if they don't give us freedom?

Markus: if they won't listen we'll fight

You: I know that...I just hope we win

Markus: Y/n...

You: yeah?

Markus: you still haven't told me what happened before you stayed with me

You: Markus...I told you it doesn't matter anymore...who I was doesn't matter anymore

Markus: Y/n we're fighting together I just want to know your life before you met me


Markus: don't you trust me Y/n?... I trust you

You:...I was caring for a young woman she worked for CyberLife's repair group and slept with multiple men...sometimes she even slept with me... she didn't get much sleep and she took drugs witch built her anger and stress which she let out on me... she damaged me every day she came home drunk then she took a mallet started hitting me that day I felt fear, betrayal I was scared she was going to kill me but I knew if I defended myself I would kill her so when she passed out I decided to run away... There, there now you know everything

Markus walked towards you and reached his hand out towards yours and connected his fingertips with your bringing his palm to yours both of you removed the skin from your hands as you stared at each other you both slowly leaned in before you tore your hands apart and backed away from each other

Markus:...I saw your memories when she came home

You: and the first time you met Carl I felt like I was there with you

You stared at him before you walked away hearing Markus call after you, your hand on your chest feeling your heart thumping faster than it should be

Time Skip

You were walking through the hallway pondering about earlier until you heard footsteps in front of you, you looked up and saw Simon standing there looking at you witch made you stop walking but then without hesitation, you walked up to him and hugged him feeling him hug back instantly

We Are Alive (Markus x reader)Where stories live. Discover now