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You Carl and Markus just returned from a party that Carl was invited to attend to

Carl: that was by far the most boring party I've ever been to in the last 25 years everytime I go to one of these, I ask myself: what the hell am I doing here? I hate cocktail parties and all the schmoozers that go there

You: it is a chance for people that admire your work to meet you

Carl: very flattering Y/n but no one gives a damn about art all they care about is how much money they're gonna make out of it come on let's have a drink! All the excitement of this whole thing had made me thirsty

Markus: scotch, neat as usual?

Carl: absolutely

Markus: okay! But you know what your doctor would say...

Carl: yeah well he can kiss my ass! I'm old enough to choose my own medication

You were watching Markus pour Carl his drink by your attention was taken away when you saw lights

You: hey Markus?

Markus: yes Y/n?

Carl: did you leave the light on in the studio?

Markus: I'm sure I didn't

He put down the drink as the three of you stare at the door

Carl: call the police

After Markus informed the police your theory Carl wanted to go in you wanted to object but you were curious yourself so the three of you walked in and your biocomponents boiled when you saw Leo

Carl: Leo!

He turned to you then back at the painting

Carl: what are you doing?

Leo: you refuse to help me so I'm helping myself it's crazy what some people will pay for this shit

Carl: don't touch 'em!

Leo: look they're all going to be mine sooner or later anyway just think of it as a down payment on my inheritance

Carl: Markus get him away from there get him out of here!

Markus walked up to Leo and spoke

Markus: Leo, don't make this difficult listen to your father you need to

Leo: all you ever do is tell me to go away what's wrong dad? I'm, not good enough for you? Not perfect like this FUCKING THING!?

Carl: that enough get out right now go on move!

Leo: what makes it so special anyway huh? What's it got that I don't?

Carl: leave him alone!

He rolled up to Leo only to get pushed back over to you witch really set off a fire in you

You: he said that's enough! Get out go!

You pushed Leo away from Markus only to have Leo smack you making you hold your cheek and bump into Markus

Carl: stop it, Leo leave them alone!

Leo: come on let's see what you got!

You glared at him and pushed him giving him the same smack he gave you

Carl: Y/n stop it!

Leo raised his hand at you making your eyes widen but Markus caught his arm

Markus: that's enough

His other arm wrapped around your waist before he gently pushed you back over to Carl

Carl: Markus...don't defend yourself you hear me!? Don't do anything

Leo: go ahead hit me what you waiting for? Think you're a man? Act like one!

He pushes him again as Carl put a hand on his chest

Carl: stop it!

You put your hands on his shoulders trying to lean his back on the chair

You: Carl calm down, please!

Leo: what's the matter? Too much of a pussy?

He pushed him again making him stumble


Leo: too scared to fight back you fucking bitch?

He slapped him this time then backhand smacked him making Markus hit the table but he got up with Leo walking towards him

Leo: oh right, that's right I forgot you're not a real person...your just a FUCKING PIECE OF PLASTIC! Listen to me...

He grabbed Markus by his collar

Carl: no Leo leave him alone!

He grabbed his chest with a painful groan then fell to the floor

You: Carl!

You got down and laid his head on your lap tears following down your face as Markus ran over to you

Markus: no, Carl no!

Carl: humans... Are fragile machines

Markus: Carl, don't leave okay?

You: Please, don't go...dont leave!

Carl: remember... Don't let anybody tell you who you are

His eyes slowly started to shut making your tears pour down harder

Markus: Dad! No, please!

Leo: this is all your fault this would never have happened if it weren't for you!

Two cops came in as you laid Carl's head on the ground, you and Markus slowly got up never taking your eyes off of the officers

Leo: the androids... It was the androids

Everything went so fast that all you could hear was gunshots before everything went black

Time Skip

You didn't know where you were at first your body suddenly bolted up as your system rebooted you looked around and it was dark really dark and you couldn't hear anything but wherever you were scared

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