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I couldn't sleep at all after last night's events. I was so energized that I did as much research as I could and wrote my entire report last night with little to no mistakes.
I sent it in on an email and fell asleep until almost midday, I checked my email when I woke up and got a 150/150 with the note that my employer was proud of me.
The lecture schedules were on Mondays and Fridays every week so I only had a few days until my next lecture so I thought that maybe I should go see the sights and eat exotic foods or make some friends.
Maybe tomorrow, I think as I flop over on the couch and think about how exhausted I was, I might just...sleep...
I jump up when the music from last night starts playing again and I stand up as I sniff,"Oh-kay.."
I forgot I was in my pajamas but that music was going to cause a music complaint, Unbelievable, I've known them for 12 hours and I'm already their mom friend.
I walk outside and walk down the steps of my porch and then up the steps of the Bang Epoque house and was surprised to find the door unlocked.
I walked in with my arms crossed,"Did you guys forget already?!"
"Who are you?!" Choi Seunghyun, or T.O.P, walks down the stairs in their house with his hands covering his ears,"How the hell did you get in?!"
I stared at him for a minute, his hair was shaggy and he looked like he hadn't shaved his facial hair in a few days. His white t-shirt and plaid plush pants insisted he just got up like me.
I didn't say anything as I walked over to the light switches and switched the far right one down, the music stops and I point to the switch,"Don't touch that switch," I repeat myself from last night,"Didn't they tell you?"
"Your roommates."
"No, they didn't...who are you?"
"Sarah, I fixed the speakers and private rave that was happening last night...and all I get from both Seunghyuns is anger and bitterness."
He looks at his feet and crosses his arms after I said that,"Sorry.." then he looked up at me with his mouth gaped," know us."
"Yeah but I made a promise not to tell anyone so don't worry."
He rolled his eyes,"Oh yes, 'cause a pinkie promise will so keep our secret."
"Well, damn, that's not usually how you say 'thank you' to someone who stopped a music complaint twice."
He stared at me for a minute like he couldn't believe me, then he sighed,"I'm sorry..thank you.."
"You're welcome."
He looked at me up and down as he let out a slight sarcastic laugh,"Nice pajamas."
I had completely forgotten as I look at my pink pajamas with teacup and coffee mugs prints all over them, nothing but Walmart crap.
He raised his eyebrows like he wasn't impressed and then his face turned soft,"You..actually won't tell anyone we're here?"
"Cross my heart, hope to die." I suddenly remembered that I literally just barged in here a few minutes ago,"Uh..I..I'm sorry for coming in without knocking...I would've if-"
"It's okay, I'm sorry I overreacted."
I nod before I spin on my heels to leave.
"Wait!" My eyes widen hearing him,"Would you like some coffee...breakfast? To thank you for the help last night and this morning."
I spun a 180,"Sure.."
He leads me to their kitchen and he pulls out a chair at their dining table. I sit on it and give him a smile.
He turned to the coffee maker and then pulled a carton of eggs and a packet of bacon out of the fridge.
"Do you need-?"
"Nope." He pulls a skillet out of a cupboard and places it on a lit burner before he asks me,"Fried or scrambled?"
"Scrambled, please.."
"How many?"
"One is fine.." I suddenly become mesmerized as he cracks two eggs with one hand and scrambles them in the pan.
He suddenly places a halfway full coffee cup in front of me and places milk, two coffee creamers, and sugar in front of the mug.
"Do it how you like it."
I nod with amazement as I reach for the hazelnut coffee creamer jug with a neon green sticker on it,"What's the sticker for?"
"What color?"
"Neon green."
"That means it's Jiyong's."
"Like his hair he had."
He nods as he continues,"We place different colored stickers on our stuff so no one takes it by accident."
"If Jiyong's is green..would yours be pink? Like the hair you had?"
"," I could hear a slight laugh when he said that,"It's mostly by whoever gets what color first."
I smile at the joyous tone he had, it's nice I got him to laugh at least once.
I look at the milk carton and see it has a red sticker on it,"What's red?"
"Why label it then?"
"We tried once, then we forgot to label our own broke the system."
"That's..really smart."
He nods. I
hear bacon popping as he places a plate in front of me and then a kitchen timer on the counter before he sits in the seat to the left of me with a plate in his hands. He hands me a fork,"Hope the eggs are good.."
I take a bite and nod,"Very."
I take a sip of coffee and notice the blue sticker on the side of the mug which meant I was using his. The one he was holding had a black sticker,"What's black mean?"
"Youngbae..he'll probably be mad but," he shrugs as he sips from it,"not like it hasn't happened before."
"But," I swirl my coffee around and look into the cup,"I'm using your mug.."
"Enjoy it," he says as I look up at him, he winks,"indirect kiss."
My eyes widen as I stare at the cup with bright red cheeks. Coffee suddenly sprays everywhere as he laughs loudly and bangs his hand on the table.
A little bell goes off as we hear the front door open,"Are you awake, hyung?" Jiyong's voice shouts with the ambiance of plastic grocery bags rustling.
Him and the three others start talking before they walk into the kitchen and almost drop their grocery bags they were all carrying which was easily almost twenty.
Jiyong's mouth gaped open,""
The kitchen timer dings as Seunghyun stands up,"Oop, bacon's done."
He brings the skillet to the table and scoops two pieces each off onto our plates before he rinses the skillet and sits down,"How was your outing, dear dongsaengs?"
I snicker at his choice of words.
"Why is Sarah here?"
"'Cause nobody told him to not flick the light switch," I say simply as I turn to look at them. They looked ridiculous, wearing disguises that would give them away instantly,"Don't worry, I'll be gone when I'm done eating."
Seungri scoffs,"Is that just an excuse? Or is there more?"
"What?" Both Seunghyun and I chime.
"Sex," he rolls his eyes like it was obvious,"did any sex happen?"
"LEE SEUNGHYUN!" The older Seunghyun yells,"NO!"
"Just saying, no way she'd be over here, having breakfast, if that's the case."
I roll my eyes and mumble as I take another sip of coffee,"Says the guy who had a one night stand.."
"Maybe that's the reason I asked," he hisses,"It'd ruin his reputation, just like it ruined mine."
"That blew over, no one talks about it anymore," I take another sip.
He suddenly softens up,"They..don't?"
I shake my head,"I fixed the light switch again and Seunghyun was nice enough to make me breakfast, no excuses-"
"IS THAT MY MUG?!" Youngbae screams when he notices the black sticker on the coffee mug Seunghyun was holding.
Seunghyun covers the sticker with his hand before he sips from the mug and smiles mischievously,"Maybe.."
I stifle a laugh as I take my last bite out of my bacon before I stand up,"Well, I'll be going now. Thank you for the breakfast." I bow to Seunghyun and then to the other before I walk to the front door and stop as soon as my hand touches the handle,"'Bye!"
"Goodbye!" They all chime before I open the front door and walk out with a smile.

It was Friday and that meant another lecture. This time it was a lecture for Louis Vuitton and I had been running a bit late.
I was barely even a minute late but I still got marked late even though three other students were later than I was but they didn't get marked.
I just guessed that Mister Hwang or Hwan or whatever his name was hated me because I daydream in his class. I mean, if I didn't have a dinosaur as a teacher, maybe it'd be more interesting.
As I thought more about it, I started to doze off and I felt a breeze of air before a loud slam hit my desk and I looked up to see...Seunghyun?
"Miss Sarah, what year did Louis Vuitton establish?"
I stare at him with my eyes squinted just to make sure that this wasn't a daydream,"I...huh?"
"I won't repeat myself, do you know or not?"
I hear someone whisper behind me,"1987," and I say back,"1987!"
Seunghyun suddenly transformed back into Mr. Hwan as he pushed his glasses up his nose,"Hmm..maybe you're paying more attention than I thought.."
Or you're deaf as crap..
He walks off and I blink, Why was he Seunghyun a minute ago..?
I watch Mr. Hwan struggle to write 1987 on the chalkboard.
My mind is playing tricks on me, I think for a second, But at least it knows how well Seunghyun would look in glasses..

When I got home, it was barely over 3PM and I wanted to die instead of write a report.
I got my phone out of my pocket and stared at the black screen for a minute before I almost drop it when a knock on the door startled me.
Soon the one knock turned into multiple, unstoppable raps on the door and I stood up to walk to the door. I put my ear up to the door,"Hello?"
"It's Jiyong and Daesung, let us in!"
I open the door and there was Jiyong wearing the dumbest, most fake mustache on with a fedora while Daesung has a fake goatee and a baseball cap on,"You two look ridiculous."
"Let us in!"
I move aside and they zoom in behind me,"What's this about?" I sigh with regret.
"Someone was looking at us funny outside," Daesung explains as Jiyong peeks out the window.
"Maybe because you two look completely stupid." "No, it was like a...knowing look," Jiyong reminiscences.
I roll my eyes and sit on my couch with a loud, obnoxious groan.
"What's wrong?" Daesung asks as he sits on the love seat opposite from me.
"Two guys are in my house when the rules state "no boys" unless you guys know the history of Louis Vuitton fashion, then I'm breaking rules in my first week."
"Why do you need to know that?"
I explain the whole reports situation and Jiyong finally peels his eyes from the window,"Well, Louis Vuitton was one of the labels I wore all the time and they'd sometimes give me all these facts and stuff..I could try to help."
"You remembered all that?"
"I mean, I remember most fan names from fan meets so yeah."
That's impressive..
"Alright, let's test your memory, GD."
He laughs as he walks over and cracks his knuckles,"What's first?"

BIGBANG Next Door: Bang EpoqueWhere stories live. Discover now