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It had been a complete year since the day I met the boys and we all decided to celebrate at a sushi restaurant near where our old houses were.
After my internship, I decided to stay and continue my studies here while simultaneously getting closer to Seunghyun. I soon realized that I loved him more than I could even express.
Daesung had decided to go to therapy and it took awhile to convince him but, eventually, Seunghyun started going too. They needed help even if they weren't close to admitting it.
Youngbae moved back in with Hyo-rin and if I wasn't mistaken..they were expecting a child.
Jiyong, well, he came out with another album with a brand new smash hit and time in the spotlight. My favorite new song of his was about a boy who fell for a girl who didn't love him back but realized they were a different kind of soulmates. Sometimes platonic was just as good as romantic, you know?
Now, as we all met at the sushi joint, I sat next to Seunghyun and everything had felt perfect.
Well, almost perfect.
When Seunghyun and I left the restaurant, we told the others goodbye and left to go find our old estates. Why? Nostalgia.
We decided to walk considering it was only a mile from the place, laughing and smiling the whole way there. Our hearts filled with the purest intentions.
Once we got there, I noticed halmeoni's car in the driveway, making me miss the
way she was so kind to me.
Then, we saw Bang Epoque in all its glory.
It seemed that J.B. Kim still owned it from the sign still being up but you could still see the faint stain of where "Bang Epoque" used to be.
I made a suggestion to go to the backroads, the place where Seunghyun and I first really felt we could admit everything. We could be ourselves without judgement.
I raced him to the spot where we had our first picnic date, remembering the taste of the chocolate strawberries and his smile when I tried them just for him. If we were being honest, I hated them but to see the grin on his face..it was worth it.
Eventually, we reached the spot and we both sat on the ground as if the blanket was still there.
He snuggled up to me while I placed my head on his shoulder, the peace surrounding us being serene and perfect.
That's when I decided to jump for it.
I kissed Seunghyun on the cheek, holding his hand before I pulled something out of my jeans pocket.
He didn't even notice what I had until I uttered four words. The four words that I was so afraid to say that I almost didn't.
But then I thought of the way he looked at me, the way he laughed at my funniest moments, the way he held me when I cried. I thought of the good memories and the bad, thinking about how it would be if the moments could last forever.
That's when I finally got the courage to look at him with all the love in the world and say with my entire chest,"Will you marry me?


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