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The first article on my feed was shown just five days after Jiyong's departure.

Kwon Jiyong Back From Almost Three Year Military Enlistment

Two weeks later, another showed up.

G-Dragon Prepares For His Newest Solo Album To Be "Best One Yet"

A month approaches since he left and he releases a full length album, three new music videos, and begins to prepare for a worldwide tour.
The only article that would show up now left me feeling depressed.

When Will The Other BIGBANG Members Be Relieved Of Their Enlistment?

I place my phone down onto the cold, glass surface if the Bang Epoque's coffee table as I sat on the ground while simultaneously watching The Last Ride with Daesung.
I sigh deeply and nearly bang my head on the table, making Daesung startled as he nearly jumps off the couch,"Hey! What did the table ever do to you?"
"Sorry," I mumble with my cheek sticking to the glass,"guess I don't care.."
Daesung sighs,"What's wrong?"
"Seriously, sis, what's wrong?"
Another thing, Daesung had a tendency of calling me "sis" when he was annoyed or irritated or confused with me. It was actually quite funny because he called Taeyang "sis" by accident and no one will let him live it down.
I could tell he was actually concerned and I just couldn't stop thinking about how to approach the question lightly,"What if I wake up one day and all of you guys are gone? Not just Jiyong but you and Seungri and Youngbae and S..." I feel my throat close up,"S..Seunghyun?"
Daesung watches me unravel emotionlessly until he waits for me to calm down to say,"Sarah," he climbs off the couch and sits next to me on the floor,"I know it's a stretch but do you actually think we'd leave without telling you? Leaving you so heartbroken?"
He pulls me into a hug, I bury my face into his shoulder,"None of us could ever forget you. You, somehow, made our lives, not just better..but brighter too."
He pulls away and stares into my eyes, tears of his own forming,"You're the one who made Bang Epoque so special and, for that," he smiles widely,"you'll always be in our hearts. Not just Seunghyun or Jiyong but.." he pulled me into an even tighter hug than before,"mine and Seungri and Youngbae's too."
I feel his tears drop onto the top of my head,"We love you, much..."

Soon, Seungri left without saying a word. We all joked that he was going to jail and never coming back but we didn't think it would be true.
Seeing the things he was associated with made me shiver, how was I so close to him?
Nevertheless, we all soon started to get over him and move on, it was hard but we persevered.
Other than that, we all forgot our own worries..until I got called to the Bang Epoque house by Youngbae.
I opened the front door, waiting for Seunghyun to greet me like always, and felt my heart completely shatter.
Everything was gone.
They were gone.
I wandered the house, my heart sinking with every time I entered a room with the hope this was a prank of some sort. But they weren't here.
I made my way back into the living room, collapsing on the floor in tears, the feeling of despair and depression hit me like an entire brick wall.
I fell onto my hands and knees, my emotions enveloping me in a way I knew I could never get out of.
That's when I noticed three notes laying on the floor near where I dropped.
I picked them up and read them one by one.
I wish it didn't have to be this way. I will forever miss you.
- Youngbae, your older brother.

I wish our time together wasn't so really mean a lot to me.
Please don't forget about me us, I don't know what I'd we'd do if you did.
Maybe we can see each other soon. I'll try and make time out of my schedule.
I'll see you later, sis.

I didn't know if I had the courage to even look at the next one's handwriting. I knew my heart would shatter in a way that could never be repaired again.
But, yet, I couldn't stop. I needed to know his last words.

My sweet Sarah, you have no idea how much you've changed me. You've changed me so much that I don't know who I am without you anymore.
Your fingerprint has been imprinted on me since the first time you saw me and the first time we ever touched physically (maybe it was the coffee mug).
And, just like with any fingerprint, it'll never go away.
You'll always be on my mine and stuck in the back of my brain like everything that is important to me. But, unlike other memories, yours are my first priority. You are the tattoo I see every day in the mirror that wrecks my entire self being.
You will see me again. You will, so help me God. And the next time you see me, we'll be in different worlds but on the same wavelength.
I love you, Sarah. The four words I was too afraid to say aloud. But now I can say it as many times as I want without judgment now.
I love you, Sarah.
And before you even try to deny it, I'll say it one more time.
I love you to the moon and back and with all my heart and soul.

BIGBANG Next Door: Bang EpoqueWhere stories live. Discover now