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Jiyong and I hadn't spoken for a week, even when I went over to their house to say good morning or go walk with Seunghyun. He didn't walk away when he saw me, he didn't act bitter, he didn't cross his arms and look at me with disapproval, he was just...silent.
He'd look at me and give me a tight, awkward smile but he'd keep his lips shut no matter how many times I tried to start conversation. I don't think he was mad, I think he was embarrassed.
There was nothing stopping him from going in to kiss me, I would've let him if he hadn't left if I'm being completely honest.
I wondered if he thought I didn't retaliate the feelings he had for me, which wasn't completely true but was also quite false.
Another thing with this Jiyong freakout, everyone else in Bang Epoque seemed quite tense when I came over.
I wondered if Jiyong actually told them what happened or if they just noticed we hadn't been talking. My guess was the first option because everyone knows how big of a mouth Jiyong has.
Once I got home from my lecture, I sat on my couch as I think of my forgetful scenario and how I had no one to help me anymore.
With all my thoughts swirling around, my heart felt heavy with the realization of how much I missed them, It wouldn't hurt to say hi, right..?
I stand up before I walk to the front door and put on some normal shoes and I opened the door. I
jumped back when I see Jiyong standing there with a fist up like he was about to knock on the door.
"Uh..I was just about to.." I point outside as I continue to speak,"head over to your house.."
He looks surprised as he raises his eyebrows and looks hopeful,"Really?"
I nod as I stick my hands in my pockets bashfully,"Wh..what are you doing here?"
He sighs before he scratches the back of his neck and swallows,"I..I wanted to say how I'm sorry.."
"For acting like that last week..I'm really sorry." I give him a quick smirk as I stare at the floor,"It's fine..I, uh..."
I brush my bangs back with my fingers from nerves,"I wouldn't've stopped you..."
He looks at me like he's suddenly regretting coming here before he clears his throat,"Can I come in? I could at least try and help with your report.."
I lick my lips and inhale,"Sure.."
I move aside and he closes the door behind him as we both head over to the couch,"So, what-"
There's a soft but sudden knock on the door and I glance at Jiyong and at the door before I walk up to the door and open it to see.."HALMEONI!"
Oh God, the no boys rule..
I give her a tight hug to hide Jiyong from her view as she smiles, I could hear Jiyong rustling around behind me to hopefully find a hiding spot,"How are you?"
"I'm fine, dear, how are you?"
"I am GREAT!" I raise my voice when Jiyong makes a loud bang noise behind me like he fell.
"Oh my, there's no need for yelling, I can hear just fine."
I laugh nervously with an apology before I let go of her and fold my hands behind my back..suddenly feeling Jiyong's warm fingers intertwine with mine.
I feel my eyes widen and my heart stop when she looks over my shoulder and says with surprise,"Oh..who's this?"
"This is Jiyong..he's helping me with my homework."
"I see," she says with a unwavering stern tone like she doesn't believe me but she also kind of trusts me.
"Would you like some tea, halmeoni?" I try to slap his hand away from mine but he just tightens his grip.
"Of course! I'd also like to talk to Mister Jiyong, if he doesn't mind."
His chin suddenly rests on my right shoulder,"Of course not."
I feel his facial muscles tighten into a smile and I feel a sense of fear deepening inside me, Does she think I'm lying..?
"This way then!" I whack Jiyong's hand out of mine and shrug his chin off my shoulder secretly violently before I head into the kitchen.
I place a tea kettle on the stove and I notice Jiyong pull out a chair for her before he sits to the left of her.
I decide to break the silence as I clear my throat,"Halmeoni, why are you here so early? You aren't supposed to be here for another week."
My hands shake as I place teacups on the countertops.
"I completely forgot that I'm busy next week. A vacation in Venice."
"That sounds beautiful," Jiyong butts into our conversation with a dreamy voice on,"I've traveled all over the world but I've never visited there."
"I went when I was younger, about 25 or so, but my sisters and I decided to go for our youngest sister's birthday."
"I'm sure you'll have fun.." Jiyong puts his elbows on the table and places his chin on the palms of his hands.
He has the look on again..
I had completely forgotten about the tea until the kettle starts whining for about 30 seconds.
I poured the tea out into three teacups and placed the first one in front of halmeoni first,"Thank you, dear."
I bow respectfully before I place Jiyong's in front of him,"Thank you very much, sweetie," he smiled teasingly and I rolled my eyes in annoyance before I sit down in the seat across from him.
"So," halmeoni says with sophistication,"does Jiyong go to your school?"
I shake my head and open my mouth to speak but Jiyong interrupts me with a convincing look,"Yes, ma'am, I do."
"Oh really? Is it quite what you hoped for?" I stare at Jiyong with my mouth hanging open, I can't believe how unbelievable he's being.
"Yes," he takes a sip,"very hopeful," he looked at me with a smile on his face,"We started a food enterprise course these past few weeks. We met at the first class during the first week of the fashion enterprise course and became friends..we started helping each other with the assignments due," he continued to talk on and on like he wasn't lying through his white teeth.
Suddenly, there was another knock on the door and I shot up out of my seat before saying quickly as I walked out of the kitchen while giving Jiyong a look,"I'll see who it is."
I walked to the door and opened it quietly as I continued to listen in on, once the door was open, I see Seunghyun standing there.
He smiled brightly when he saw I opened the door and was about to say something but I pushed him outside with so much force that his back slammed into the house's outer wall.
He held his hands up like he was calling for surrender with his eyes wider than I've ever seen,"I just came to say hi."
I wince when I realize what I did and peek inside the outer window as I say sincerely,"Sorry..both Jiyong and the owner of the house is here and the main rule of the house is no boys so I'm tense."
He blinks as he processes my words,"Jiyong's in there? Why?"
"He was helping with my homework but I don't think she believes that."
"Well, is it true?"
"Then why wouldn't she believe it?"
I shrug as I look inside to see Jiyong laughing about something,"I don't know but he's probably going to get me kicked out."
"Jiyong's annoying but he wouldn't do that to you."
I shrug again and it's silent for a few minutes before I realized who was actually standing next to me.
I sigh and look at him with a soft smile,"It's nice to see you."
The smile he gives me warms me up with the same temperature as the sun,"Nice to see you, too."

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