Reason 26

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Reason 26:
I was naive.

I've never learned to love before.  And luckily, I will never learn it from you.

You were the first boy I ever liked, a crush I could admire.

But I liked you for what I thought you were, since I never knew you enough.  But thank the stars for that, or I would've been in deeper trouble.

I liked all those small things you told me about yourself.  How you had your entire life planned out, how you were so talented, how you were so incredibly smart.

I wish I liked you for more than this.

I wish I actually liked you for you.

Scratch that, I wish I hadn't like you at all.

It's a weird mental debate. You were a great test dummy for my feelings, but also caused me the most internal pain.  You were the start of a pain I never wanted nor needed.

I guess one of the only true reasons I chose you to like was that,

I was blind.

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