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Tuesday, 1:15 am

Ignoring all the messages from your mom, you texted him. You didn't know why, but you felt like it would make you feel better. Minho was an option too, but you never texted him first. So Taehyung was your last resort.

me: Ayo waddup!

Taebae: Oh


me: whats ma special hoe doing

Taebae: What do you think?

me: I d k

having a session with your ding ding dong?

Taebae: ...

Are you for real?

me: very much sweetie.

Taebae: Well, sorry to disappoint you

But I'm not having a session with my whatever.

me: why are you so shy?

it's like you're the virgin here!

Taebae: I'm not shy!!

I'm just...

Not used to talking like that

me: like what?


Taebae: About ding ding dongs and stuff.


me: can I adopt you?

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me: can I adopt you?


Taebae: I d k,

me: yeah me too

I mean who knows...

I might get tempted

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

and you might loose your virginity the second time

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Taebae: fT?

It's not possible to loose virginity the second time.

me: honey,

with me, everything is possible.

Taebae: Ah, whatever.

So tell me about your family.

me: tell me about yours

Taebae: Let's not talk about families.

me: good.

I have a suggestion.

Taebae: What?

me: lets have a baby!

Taebae: Here we go again.

me: no, 


let's get a pet.

It'll stay with you,

 but shall be my child as well.

Taebae: ???

me: it helps, 

a lot.

I was like really depressed few years ago

and then my older brother told me to adopt a pet

so I got myself a fish.

Taebae: I can totally imagine you with a goldfish,

me: it wasn't a goldfish though

it was a cheap black coloured I d k what kind of fish

but I loved it.

and I didn't flush it down the toilet.

I took it to Han and gave it a proper funeral.

what I'm trying to say is, it changed my life.

Taebae: So...

What do you wanna have for a baby?

me: omg are we really doing it?

Taebae: Do you want me to change my mind?

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Taebae: Do you want me to change my mind?

me: no no wait



a puppy?

Taebae: Okay.

me: omg I can't believe I'm going to be a mom


Taebae: Good night.

me: Good night my sweetie pie my didly dumpling I love you so much I am so excited like arrrhhhhhhhh

♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ


❤️️ ❤️️ ❤️️ ❤️️


And the baby is...


 You guessed it right!

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