Chapter 4

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Thanks to my great friend sarah-232 I now have heaps of ideas for this fanfiction but please still comment because I want to write what you want to read. Sorry I took a while to update but school just kind of kicked into gear.Once again I'm sorry for any incorrect Russian but sarah-232 loved it being included last time and wanted to see more

Tell me if you do to!!!! 😉

Dimitri P.O.V

Russia. I don't remember the last time I was here. Well, at least the last I was myself here but I promised Rose I'd try to move on and here I am next to her after a long plane flight (made bearable by Roza's kisses) in St Petersburg, just like we said we would in the Library what seemed like years ago.

It's already 5am and we just arrived. were not staying in St Petersburg for very long only one night in fact. But its okay we're leaving to Baia for a week before coming back.

Rose thinks that this is just a nice present for me but she's making my dreams come true. In Russia with my Roza, nothing could be more per....


As fast as the sound Rose and I are facing towards the sound in battle poses stakes out. Two Strigoi walk forward and...

I swear in Russian

Lillian's here. An old Strigoi enemy. I swear to god if that little zmey tries to so much as breathe on Roza I'm gonna рип ее уродливую голову от ее тела и бросить ее в Китай (rip her ugly head from her body and throw it to china).

Rose's P.O.V

We're being jumped by two Strigoi. A large guy, a little shorter than Dimitri but broader and a petit women but by Dimitri's reaction he and the woman have a history, meaning right now she's the threat. Dimitri charges at the women so I try to distract the man by coaxing him into battle.

I throw a weak kick to his knee to get his attention but he catches my leg and flips me over, but I land on my feet and charge him again. I throw a fake to his head (like I could reach it) before sending the real blow to his stomach and he gets knocked backwards but he back on me again he tries to sweep my feet but I dodge and he falls. I take the advantage to look at Dimitri.

He has the woman pinned and is about to stake her. Good I don't think he's he's freaking out he seems normal.

I feel a tug at the back of my head. he just pulled my hair! oh it is on now bastard! I start throwing combinations I've never tried when I see Dimitri behind him and just from the look in his eyes ,like always in battle, we both know what to do. I hit the Strigoi's side and bend his arm behind his back giving Dimitri a clear shot and he stakes the Strigoi.

Grr. Two Strigoi bodies. Where is Sydney and her alchemist stuff when you need it.

Dimitri's P.O.V

We got rid of the bodies they'll burn up in the sunlight an head back to the hotel. We get inside and I sweep Roza into my arms bridal style and kiss her. She giggles (like musical bells) and wraps her arms around my neck and back.One arms lingers near the edge of my tshirt before slippping underneath it massaging my back, her other hand snakes up to my hair and as she gently tugs and I sigh into the kiss before laying her down on the bed . I go to stand up but am pulled back down my duster.

"Я люблю тебя"

"I love you too Dimitri"

And I lose myself in her lips.

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