Chapter 11

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Rose P.O.V

My comforting world of the black under my eyelids was destroyed abruptly as I opened my eyes and they tried to adjust to the drastically different white world of the hospital and its harsh fluorescent lights. Once somewhat functioning I tried to check on my shoulder but as I tried to move it a shot of pain burst up my neck causing me to lay back down biting my lip. Unable to move very well I scanned the room with my eyes noticing a note on the side of my bed. Picking it up and opening the neatly folded paper.

I love you I'm so sorry I did this to you I understand it's my fault, I'm going for a walk be back soon

"It's my fault" + "going for a walk" did not equal "be back soon"

I knew Dimitri, more than I even realised, and there was one thing I knew more than anything, if anything drove him to the edge is was guilt, I had taken a literal stake for him and if he blamed himself....


Ignoring the pain it caused me I jumped up and ran out of the hospital probably scaring quite a few nurses into thinking I was an escaped mental patient. I ran out the doors and let my legs carry me down the route I knew my love would take, straight ahead.

I ran and ran taking turns and corners until I eventually reached a bench where I found Dimitri with his head rested on his hands

"You know if your girlfriend is in hospital you probably shouldn't make her track you down on foot"

"Rose what are you doing out here"

"Tracking you I thought I just mentioned what an inconvience it is" I said sitting down next to him

"You need to go back inside"

"Let me enjoy it out here, between you and Abe I have a feeling I might be locked away until I recover" his head dropped once again and when he finally looked at me he had those same eyes of guilt that he did when we finally confronted my capture.

"The thing is roza, the doctors aren't sure you will, Lissa said she can't help best case scenario your arm is extremely weakened worst case you lose use of it"

"Then i'll make do"

"Rose the guardians said your suspended indefinitely "

"Then we'll make do, Dimitri that I might be losing such an important part of my life sucks but i'll survive I mean it's kind of what I'm known for that an my amazing plans"

"You mean insane plans"

"Same thing" we both laughed a bit before Dimitri spoke again.

"Roza I'm ....." I cut him off before he could continue

"Don't you dare say sorry comrade, all I did was protect someone I love I would never blame you for what happened or even regret it did because that would mean you would be in my shoes or worse dead and I don't care what you think that would be far worse to endure"

He didn't say anything back instead he just kissed me soft and passionately and we sat there watching the flowers as they bloomed with the rising of the sun

Hey guys,
I know it's short but I just had to get back into the story since its been awhile and this is more on an announcement but I feel bad not giving you some of the story as well.

Holidays coming which means updates.

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I have nothing to say other than you guys are amazing😃😃😃😃😃😃

The story I've been spending all of my time on is up i'll talk about it more another time but for now if you have a bit of spare time check out

The Zen Concept- The Rebel Life
By MastersOnly6-8

The character based on me is Christy and she's the main character at the moment so I'm really excited, especially because it means I get to write with my amazing friend @EasilyAddicted11 who is also a major role the character based on her is Amy.

Vote Comment all of that awesomesauce stuff



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