Caffeine (July Nanowrimo)

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Sometimes it’s the simple things that make life meaningful.

For some, it could be the bus rides at night or the movie marathons or even the smell of freshly baked food. These are all simple, meaningless things –some may call it silly and weird- but they can give the biggest impacts in someone’s life.

It has never really been about the supposed ‘things’; it’s the story behind it. The memories that have been accumulated over the past years with that particular ‘things’ makes it such a big deal in life.

And sometimes these memories happen in the most unexpected circumstances. They evolve from being something completely random to a memory that you’ll treasure for the rest of your life. The more you ponder of these memories, the more you start thinking that they are fates and not just mere coincidences. After all, these memories have made a huge change in your life and surely something that big can’t be a coincidence.

I used to as cynical as it gets. Now, don’t get me wrong, we all don’t start off as a cynic but we are molded into one. The doubts, distrust, suspicions and lies, shape cynics as they are. And just like every item that can be shaped and molded, we can also be broken and rebuilt.

I also had what people may refer as ‘the life’. I had the fame, the fortune and the list could go on. To the eyes of an outsider, I had it all. But for everything you get, there is always a price to pay.

That was what I used to think.

He, on the other hand, had absolutely nothing and everything. He is like a piece of glass, beautiful and strong yet fragile. Having his own monsters to fight, he instead helped me fought mine. He is a paradox of his own, being my hero but a villain to himself. He was my savior, yet an enemy to himself.

I have those simple ‘things’, those memories and I have been broken and rebuilt so many times and he is the reason of it all.

This is not a story of how we met or how we fell for each other. This is a story of how we saved each other from themselves.

And it all started with a cup of coffee.


hi guys, so this is my nanowrimo book. idk if i will finish it in time since i started out really late but let's hope i do! anyways i hope you enjoy the prologue and please tell me what you think c:

dedication to anna_frozen for introducing me to nanowrimo. thanks love!

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