|Dream Town|


"The city of love"


Kate's POV

It was so fascinating.
The tiny little specks of light visible among the pitch black darkness of midnight.

The view from above was on a whole other level; utterly gorgeous and breathtaking.

It's my first time being on a plane. Sure, I was terrified at first but I made it.
And here we are, above the beauty of this magnificent city,

I have always dreamt to come to Paris one day since I was a toddler and finally, I'm here.

Whatever may be the circumstances, even if I would be all alone, defenseless and with a broken French accent, I was really elated to have left from there.

I realised I was just a nuisance to everyone- my mom and even Carlisle.

Even if I did shed some tears, I still pitied the guy: How bad would it have been to put up with someone like me? He was strong and tolerant enough.

Love, romance?
I guess those words are not for me anymore.

The most surprising fact of all is that I'm actually in the city of love, nonetheless I don't believe in those things about fate and soulmates.

I've seen enough. I'm tired.

The plane soon landed and I inhaled the scent of something new, the fragrance of my accomplishment.

Not to mention that I was proud of myself; to have reached here at last.

You must all be wondering where did I get the funds and stuffs?

Rest assured. I'm neither a robber nor a drug dealer or something.

I'm merely an assiduous person who works hard to earn some money. Thanks to my years and years of savings that I could today, make my dream come true.

After the never-ending formalities at the airport, I set off to my apartment building in a taxi.
It took hours to reach there.

"Could you please park there?"

I meant, "Pouvé-vous arreter?"

"Oh désolé mademoiselle, mais il y a un embouteillage devant."

I certainly did not comprehend any of his words just now but on looking at the huge traffic jam in front of us, I knew that I had to get out here itself.

"Mercé!" I handed him a tip and he winked at me before I left with my cumbersome luggage.

While strolling around with a phone map, I suddenly came to a halt on hearing some peculiar voices in the neighbourhood.

Now I was going to get attacked?
Great! The tour has started so well.

It was currently three in the morning and every building was obscured except for the street lamps which lead me to a narrow alley.

Time for the climax!

Looks like a bunch of bastards will be following me and then, phew, my Edward Cullen will appear out of nowhere in his shiny volvo.

Best joke of the day I suppose.

I'm probably going to get kidnapped or killed. Sad reality.

As I walked down the street, the voices became more strident. I turned round a corner and witnessed a guy getting ransacked by some big burly men who talked in a deep French accent.

The brown-haired boy was only a few inches taller than me, with sort of a lean body and a pair of big round glasses hanging above his ears. He looked oddly familiar the more I approached him.

I did not want to put my nose into his business or any other trouble but I felt the need to help him.

At least because he is also a foreigner.

Looks like my special training classes would now be of some use.

Advancing towards them, my fist connected with the nose of one man whose head staggered back violently. My knee met the other one's groin while he fell to the floor, moaning and cursing vociferously.

Quickly, I snatched the wallet and bag from his hand and involuntary held the victim's wrist.

"Come on, quick."

The slight act of entwinning our fingers sent a rush of heat and adrenaline to every vein in my body. I suddenly felt so hot as if I had caught a fever.

We continued to run at every exit possible until the two men were out of sight. Now, I was seriously lost.

We could not talk for a while and waited for our raged breathing to stop.

"Are you- Thanks-"

The words came out simultaneously and we laughed.

He was kinda cute with those little dimples in either sides of his cheeks.

"So, all fine?"

"Yes thank you for hmm rescuing me. I'm sorry I'm such a loser."

I admired his perfect features and they definitely did resemble someone I knew.

"Hey, you sure we haven't met before? Why do I rem- The passport guy! That's why you looked so utterly familiar."

"Oh yeah that incident a few hours before, I need to thank you once more."

"It's okay no need to. Anyways, what brings you here?"

"Job. I mean my job training or you could also say the purpose of my life."

"Interesting..." I trailed on.

"I guess. So you're a baddie huh? Didn't seem so when I first saw you. With those glasses on and that sweet voice, you totally looked like an innocent chick."

"Well do not judge a book by its cover. That's just how I portray myself to everyone except you now. I hope my secret is safe." I whispered.

"Don't worry." He zipped his mouth and the corners of his lips slowly lifted up, revealing his magical charming smile.

Damn, this nerd's making my mind go all fuzzy.

"I think it's time to move now. Goodbye, it was a pleasure to meet you."
I pulled my bags up and was about to walk away when he stopped me.

"Wait! Do you- hmm coffee?"

"At this hour? No, are you kidding me?"

"Nope, I'm awfully serious. There's a café still open a few metres from here. What d'you say?"

I gave him a suspicious glare at first then agreed.

I admit that I felt somewhat happy and excited.

To get to know this complete stranger.

And now I was going to spend this first day alongside him without forgetting my little heart beating erradically in my chest every time our eyes met.

My grey-black orbs and his dark chocolate brown ones.

He was one hell of a man.


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God bless you.


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