|Late night coffee|


Kate's POV

I can't believe I'm following this guy right now instead of going to my apartment and hugging my bed covers.

"Maybe because he was too cute? Who could deny a face like that?"
I pondered.

It will be nice to have an acquaintance in this foreign country with no one by my side.

The cool chilly air blew across my hair, sweeping it towards his mouth.

"Sorry..." I said quickly while I tried to tidy them.

He did not feel disgusted at all but simply let out a small laugh, the same pretty dimpled smile I had seen earlier, this time with some pink flush creeping up his cheeks.

I usually had a fetish for hot bad boys but as from today, I'm telling otherwise.

"It's okay. Your hair smells good."

"Oh really, thanks."

The rest of the walk was quiet, only the friction of my baggage wheels and the ground could be heard.

After some time, the bright fluorescent lights of the tiny coffee shop came into view.

I admired in awe the structure and beautiful decorations of the aesthetically pleasing café: its walls were a mixture of a light peach colour and coral one. The hanging flowers at the entrance along with the writings and paintings inside gave a romantic touch to the shop.

We greeted the exhausted looking woman at the counter and made way to a table in the best corner perfect for photography. 

"Do you want to know a fun fact?"

I nodded.

"I still don't know your name."

A small chuckle escaped my lips and I replied, "Kathlyn".


"So, lyn-"

"I am called Kate most of the time."

"For me, it's lyn. Short, simple and unique."

"Well how should I-  Niel, that's it.
You know Niel as in Miel, which means honey in French."

It suits you and your character: Sweet.

"My nickname is usually Dan but I wouldn't mind Niel."

We enjoyed our delicious coffee silently while sharing our habits and daily life.

I had known enough about him in those two hours than I would usually know after a friendship of six months.

I was unexpectedly enthralled in his casual deep sexy tone rather than in our conversation.
I swear I was totally drooling over such a petty fact.

The sky was already starting to change to a gorgeous crimson colour by the time we left the café.

I feel like it's going to be a whole day in bed.

"Thank you for walking me till here."

"No probs." He winked and helped me inside with my luggage.

"Hey Niel! Your-"

"Check your call log and save it."

"Wait- How did you get my number?"

"Magic honey magic."

He must have looked it up in my purse or something.

No doubt, Daniel was a straight up flirt.

And I mistook him for the cute innocent boy in town.

I guess I got fooled by his looks, surely like everyone.

Anyways, he did neither possess a shitty character nor a really bad language. He had respect and manners at least. His parents brought him up right.

Unlike mine.

It was not even two months after my father's death when my mom started dating and hanging out with her male 'friends' as I presumed.

I was so young and the only child.
Yet, she did not care about me. I was mostly alone all the time, even at night.

My mom returned home drunk in the early mornings and slept all day, missing her work days.

I had to handle the house chores, my mother and myself.
At some point, while growing up, I thought of how long would I continue to impose on myself; my needs and wants and my life, and continue to serve her.

I was just fed up.

That's how I'm here now.

In paris, finally a free independent woman, who can breathe freely and make her own. decisions.

I'm happy...

And the boss of the house, bitches.

People would have certainly assumed that I had some split personality disorder.

I'm crazy.

Crazy, wild and free.

I inserted in my key and opened the door of my new home.


That would be all for this chapter.
Wait for my next update.


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