

"You don't need to go."


Kate's POV

Everything had just happened by the flick of a finger.
Time went by too fast, so that it was already the day I would leave Paris.

I did not want to, especially when Daniel and I were now in an actual relationship.

I still had a chance though, to stay.
But I had to again fill so many formalities before getting the response I wanted.

Either way, I had informed Daniel that maybe it could work or maybe not but to just believe that I would be going instead of keeping his hopes up for the confirmation.

I quickly hugged him and his arms responded by pulling me in a tighter embrance.
Tears were not rolling down my cheeks but I could feel myself crying so hard.

How much would we have to wait to meet again?

A part of me did not want to expect more but another part kept wanting me to hope for the best.

I finally bid him goodbye, maybe the only kiss for I don't know how many months.

"I'll miss you baby."


Daniel's POV

Perhaps I would wake up tomorrow and she would have already left.

I don't know.
I wanted to enveloppe her in my blanket and tie her down to my bed to prevent her from going.

It's going to be hard for me.

I clearly remembered how a few weeks back, this complete stranger saved me from some goons in the streets where we now walk together nearly everyday.

How our friendship evolved...

And how I fell for her in the process.

I did not realise it at first but then she started to develop into a crucial part of my existence, someone which I would not dare to leave at all costs and preserve our relationship until the end of it.


I was at the door of her apartment. I pressed the doorbell so many times but still no response.

She had already left. I could not believe it.

Memories came surging in my brain as I tried to hold back some tears.

After some time, I descended the stairs and walked to the coffee shop where I had taken Lyn on our first day in Paris.

It was quite empty today so I could easily make out the so familiar face sitting at the cozy corner table.

"Lyn? What the- I thought you were gone."

"Heyy Niel. And no, I didn't leave. I mean, I don't need to leave now."

"What do you mean?"

"Dumbass, I got the response today which means I can stay here as from now."

I could not feel any happier. She was staying, finally.

"Why aren't you smiling? Are you this unhappy I am still here?"

"It's just- I really thought-"

"Nah, I'm here right now in front of you, all flesh and bones."

I smiled for the first time in so many days and took a seat next to her.

She grabbed my hand and twined our fingers as tight as a lock and key.

"Believe that I will never leave you. I will always be here so even if I'm far, you don't have to worry. We'll find a way. This place is truly magical. I can feel it."

"I believe so too. The city of love, it is real."



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