Long Lasting chapter 5

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The bell rings for the next lesson, all of them got up and started walking. The boys left the girls behind as they were still too busy talking about the new 'hottie' in college Kyal.

"Girls I really want to see how he looks", states Vicky in her exciting voice.

"Yeah, me too!" adds Jenny and Lucy at the same time. They laugh.

"He might not be all that you know, so stop talking about him." Kate tells them.

Kate says her goodbye to the girls and plans to meet them after college.

"Bye girls," she says as she waves to them.

Kate goes over to her locker and gets her biology books.

'Why am I in a such a good mood? I feel strong and confident too. I don't even know why. She laughs, I think its the weather making me feel happy. Kate get to your lesson you are going to be late. She says to herself and Mr Jones will not be happy if you are late to his lesson."

With that, she closed her locker and starts heading for her next lesson.

Suddenly, someone ran into her. It felt as if she hit a solid wall or something. All her books went flying. She keals down and starts picking her books up.

"Damn it, watch where you are going!" I heard a furious but sexy voice.

She felt anger building up inside. She collected all her books and then stood up to find a handsome, gorgeous boy staring at her.

This must be Kyal. I have never seen him in college before. "If looks could kill, then a lot of girls would have died today!"

Looks, doesn't matter! How dare someone talk to me like that."OH MY GOD! You're the one who bumped into me and yet you have the guts to say that! How? I ask him in a very confident voice.Well, it's not my fault, you were the one walking whilst day dreaming so you bumped into me."

"OK," he says in his melodious voice.

'Am I too busy checking him out that i can't even concentrate on what he is saying? Damn it, those blue eyes of his are beautiful. Radiantly and perfectly, his skin glowing like a sun gleaming, I couldn't help but stare at his perfectly clear skin. Kate stop it! This is a stupid but good looking guy who just blamed you for everything!'

"Well excuse me!" I bumped into you? What a lie! You weren't looking where you were going so don't blame me, because of you all of my books fell on the floor and most of all, you should be saying sorry to me, not shouting at me." I say to him as I stared at his face.

"I should be sorry? My ass! " he laughs sarcastically.

"What is wrong with you? Don't you have any manners?" I ask scolding him.

Yeah, I have manner but not for an pathetic girl like you!" he says whilst smirking.

"Oh my god!" There is no point in talking to a person who has no manners, because of this I am going to be late for my next lesson. Didn't your parents teach you any manners?" I say angrily.

At the moment his face darkened with anger and fury. His eyes widen with rage, the smirk of his face disappeared rapidly.

'Oh! I should have not said anything about his parents Kate says in her head.' Kate quietly looks down and walks to her lesson quickly, leaving Kyal stood there angry. 'Kate forget what just had happened just concentrate on your next lesson. She walks in her lesson and notices she is late.

"Nice of you to join us Kate Daniels," says Mr Jones as she enters the classroom.

"Sorry I am late Sir," she says quietly as she takes her seat near the back of the class.

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