July 12

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Last night I heard the fireworks from Plymouth from my room, and I forgot that music in Plymouth was yesterday. So I was like what the heck. I did not know what it was. I thought someone was playing the drums lowkey and I was like why tf

I put my pop socket back on his phone case and it looks wack. It just does not go with the case. But that's okay it's whatever. Hopefully I'll get a new case soon because this one has let me down TWICE. my phone cracked not once but twice

real cameras really capture my ugliness. But once I take pics on my phone my face doesn't turn out as bad. Plus once a real camera is pointed at me and I don't know how to act

yalllll Connor Flanagan is gonna be at stuebenville again and I was so obsessed with him last year. I'll probs be obsessed again this year too


people are so sweet omg my heart is happy

I packed like halfway and I feel like I'm gonna forget a lot. And someone tell me why I'm bringing so many options for clothing just for a three day trip? I might get rid of half the things tmr morning. Idk we'll see

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