July 16

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wow I got so much sleep last night lol. Almost 12 hours oops.

I need to clean my room badly. It's such a mess and plus my mom invited her friends over on my birthday to have a barbecue sooo I need to pronto. Lol literally my birthday is going to be so boring cause it's none of my friends just my moms. But it's fine I'm fine. That's why I wanna do something on Thursday with all of my friends

i want a purity ring soooooooo bad

I started to get sick yesterday. My throat was aching but that could also be from YELLING during adoration because I was just so in the moment. But anyway I feel a lot better today. Yesterday I was so dizzy and sweating and it was just rough

I didn't do anything today besides edit my vlog from Steubenville and just watching everything back makes me want to go back EVEN MORE. I literally miss it so much already it's ridiculous

I'm on that Holy Spirit high and I hope it doesn't go away anytime soon

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