october 26

2 0 0

spanish- took a test today and oof that went so bad. then we watched some extra and that was decent ig lmao

chemistry- the stuff we're going takes so much time. it's not even hard but it's muy time consuming. i was in a hyper mood so that's nice

ap comp- i walked into the classroom and all the desks were in a circle and i said nope. i do not do class discussions bro. but we didn't have to participate so i was fine. i didn't even read what we were supposed to oops

algebra 2- it was a work day and i didn't get squat done

world history- we had a sub and watched a video. someone stole my apple juice and i was actually pissed.

i love last minute spontaneous plans especially w my boy

then fnl was ight. there were barely any kids but i got to see my homies and i love them

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