August 10

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today has been weird. Like my mom woke up super early to drop my dog off for her vaccines, and my mom usually sleeps in really late because she works a night shift. Then my brother came home 2 hours early from his work and it really threw me off. And my dad usually doesn't work fridays but today he's at work also. It's just so weird. Like let's stick to the schedule otherwise I feel like I'm not myself lmao

idk I feel so drained kinda. Like I'm just not kathlyn ya know? Ik im getting my period soon so that's probably why I feel so off but I dislike it

I drove all the way to petsmart to pick up my doggie. I was with my mom and I'm so surprised that she let me drive. Usually she's too scared to drive with me lmao

then I also drove all the way to dominos. Then after that i drove to Cooper to practice parking in my moms car because I am taking my test with that car. It was honestly easier in that car than a smaller car and idk why. We stayed there for like 10 mins only because parking is easy for me thank goodness. Then we drove to tjmaxx and target. It was a great time

holy crap every time a Charlie Puth song comes on I literally get butterflies in my stomach. I'm so in love with him omg. He's so freaking cute and he sooooo talented. I just can't wow

I drove so much today and it was so fun. I love driving my moms car and that's why I want a SUV. But a cars a car man and I'll take whatever

I saw these two fine light skin cashiers at target and one of them was ringing us up. He was laughing at the conversations my mom and I were having lmao

can someone tell me why I'm watching old Justin Bieber videos and BAWLING my eyes out?

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