I went to menards today. I haven't been there in a hot minute but I love the smell of that store
then I went to hyvee. I dislike grocery shopping so that wasn't a blast for me
I strongly dislike when people lie to me for no reason. like come on now just tell the truth because the truth always comes out
We went to watch mamma mia here we go again!!! It was sooo good even the second time watching it!!
tonight was so fun man. Most people in the movie theater were dancing and it was just a blast. 10/10 would recommend
summer 2018 has definitely been the best one yet. Looking back I've done a lot and had so much fun. I've been so happy this summer. I'm sad to see the summer slowly ending but it's not over yet. There's still many more adventures and memories to come
my thoughts 5.
Randomwe made it to my thoughts 5! this is the rest of 2018 so please enjoy!