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Normani's POV

A few weeks later, 15 dance classes in and I have this ashton kids number. He ended up being a really cool guy. Today was a night class and I got out around 10:30. Lauren was sleeping over and I was really excited to get home.

"mani!" ashton started to call me that a last week. I guess he feels comfortable enough now that we text here and there.

"hey" I stopped before walking out the door.

"you did great tonight" he dug his hands into his front pockets and smiled.

"thanks" I felt a little embarrassed. Tonight Ally introduced us to a song called BO$$ by some girl group and we began learning the routine. The moves were a bit more risqué for my liking but I definitely felt confident while doing them.

"seriously! I'm not just saying that."

"well thank you" I pulled a strand of hair behind my ear and looked at my feet.

"no problem um I was coming to ask you.. well, my mom needs me to paint the living room this weekend and I was wondering if you'd want to help?"

"are you just using me so you don't have to do a lot of work?" I laughed.

"ehh.. maybe." he smiled, "I actually wanted to ask you on a date but I'm stuck doing this instead so I thought maybe you'd.."

"I'll be there.. just text me the time and address and everything" I laughed.

"really? I ..I mean cool, see you tomorrow mani" he stood awkwardly.

"goodnight ashton," I leaned in and gave him a hug knowing that's what he wanted. His smile definitely gave it away that I granted his wishes.


I came home to a.. a.. wild house party. I should've known lauren randomly asking to sleepover meant she had something up her sleeve.

I made my way to the kitchen with my big ass dance bag, slamming it on the counter with a huff. "hey you live here right?" I looked up and a familiar face stood in front of me.

"yeah.." I looked out the window at all the commotion going on outside.

"I haven't been here since you guys had that little moving in party.. um where's the bathroom?" he bounced up and down like a little kid, holding in his pee.

"down the hall to the right" I laughed, "and you might wanna hurry"

"thank you.. so much." he smiled and ran out the kitchen and down the hall.

"hey normee's home! Look everybody normee's home!" a very drunk Niall walked into the kitchen.

"hey niall.. where's harry?" I grabbed his shoulders stopping him from swaying back and forth.

"outside on the grill" he pointed behind me.

"the grill?"

"yeah some blonde chick and her friends whined about us not having food so there he is,"

"thanks niall," I patted him on the back and walked outside to see harry manning the grill.

"hey beautiful" he smiled and flipped a burger.

"what is this?"

"this..." he took something from the plate beside him and put it in my mouth, "is chicken.. really good chicken" he smiled.

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