Chapter 1

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Location: Dublin Ireland

3rd Person POV

It's a very hot Day in the capital city of Ireland as this isn't the weather Ireland gts in the summer as it is normally 18 Degrees it would get to but not this summer it was 25 degrees. Lots of tourists were exploring the vast history this country had to offer. People were socialising with each other going into Pubs and going to famous Landmarks.

However there was a Man who looked to be in his Late 20's or early 30's walking around the streets of Dublin in the hot sun. When he came across a Pub.

?: The Temple Bar huh? Might as well go in for drink to cool off

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?: The Temple Bar huh? Might as well go in for drink to cool off.

With that the man went in to the Pub to get a drink and relax for a while. He went up to the counter to the bartender.

Bartender: Top of the morning' to ya what can I get ye.

?: A beer please

Bartender: Not a Problem laddie!

Within a Few Minutes the bartender returned with and ice cold Beer for the man.

?: Thanks

Bartender: No worries Lad! Can I ask ye. 

?: Sure

Bartender: Where ye from?

?: America

Bartender: Ah swell I hear a bit of American in ye.

?: Truth is is I'm Irish- American.

Bartender: Oh Are ye Jesus weren't expecting that. What's ye name lad?

?: (Y/N) (L/N)

Bartender: Well then (Y/N) let me be the first to Welcome ye to Ireland!

(Y/N): Thanks...

(Y/N) was looking up on the TV watching the recent Chemical Attack on the Bartlett University. As the Reporter announced the aftermath of the attack.

Bartender: Poor lads. They think they can just do whatever they want. Stupid Fooking Terrorists.

Y/N was looking at the chemical attack and was having sudden Flashbacks


Y/N Clutched his head in pain. Hearing that voice over shouting in his head again.

Bartender: Lad! Ye Alright?

(Y/N): Yeah.......just feeling a little light headed.

Within a few minutes Y/N Finished his beer and paid the bartender for the beer and decided to head home.

He went walking down a few streets then came to a parking lot where he paid for his parking ticket and went to his ride.

He went walking down a few streets then came to a parking lot where he paid for his parking ticket and went to his ride

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Y/N: Hello my Pretty.

Y/N got his biking gear on him and fired up his Yamaha R6, Revving it out Max.

Y/N: I love this R6.

With that Y/N played some of his favourite music and drove out his bike out of the parking lot.As he was cruising around the streets on his way home he lived just outside of the city centre of Dublin.


Y/N House

Y/N was sitting in the living room watching TV looking at the Entertainment shows to kill time as he had a training session this evening  in a local Youth Centre. Y/N looked at his watch and saw it was time to get ready for his training session as he liked to arrive early to get some early work in before starting an intense workout. Y/N left to the youth centre via the backdoor which left him right outside the Youth Club. As Y/N went in he greeted his Friend and Teacher Collin.

Y/N: Sensei Collin.

Collin: Ah Y/N early as always.

Y/N: I always like being early to get an early run in.

Collin: Help me with the mats and then we can get started then.

Y/N Helped Collin putting out all the mats in the hall to get ready for the training session. When they were done Y/N was getting out his boxing gloves that were very light due to them being training gloves. Collin was showing very fast combos to Y/N that were a boxer could keep up for a few minutes but not Y/N his speed and power were almost in sync as he was hitting the combos perfect every time. Then they got on to some intense core work where Collin was hitting Y/N with  very hard punches to strengthen his core as he would expect Y/N core was rock solid.

After the core they worked on some cardio by doing sprints on the small street running up and down about twenty times before a 30 second cool down and back at it again. After the training session they were both doing there breathing session and finishing up.

Collin: You amaze me Y/N of how you keep up with todays session like everytime.

Y/N: I just want to be strong and be fit

Collin: Ever thought joining the military?

Y/N: No I never thought of it plus I rather not think about it. I never trust them.

Collin: Fair enough just remember there is something out there for you

Y/N: Thanks Collin.

With that Y/N left and went back to his home and relaxed by having a hot shower and fretting himself up. As he went into bed and trying to get some sleep in which he was struggling  as he kept hearing the voices in his head.

Y/N!!! HELP ME!!!!

Y/N Clutched his head in pain again, with tears coming out of his eyes

Y/N: I'm so sorry........Angela

Well I hope you enjoy that intro next chapter we'll get into the real shit. Please comment down below what you think

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