Chapter 9

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In the jet Y/N woke up after his nap. Y/N smiled to himself as he knew that was a good Nap for Him,he looked to his side and saw Ash Asleep with drool coming out her mouth. Y/N saw the Flight attendant coming to him.

Flight Attendant: Did have a good nap Sir?

Y/N: Yes I enjoyed it very much Thank you.

Flight Attendant: Would you like something to eat?

Y/N: Yes Please. What do you Have?

Flight Attendant: I'll get you a menu now.

She went down to the rear of the Plane to get a menu. Y/N went to his Backpack and pulled out his laptop to FaceTime Robert.

Robert: Y/N It's been too long.

Y/N: Good to see you to Robert.

Robert: What has been happening over these years?

Y/N: A lot.

Robert: I have all the time.

Y/N told Robert about all his time after he left the Black Hawks where he moved to Ireland to Relax all the way to when he joined Team Rainbow.

Robert: Hold It. The Team Rainbow? The Counter Terrorist Unit!?

Y/N: Yes.

Robert didn't say anything but gave Y/N a caring smile.

Robert: Your Father would be so proud of you. You know that right?


Robert was like a Second Father to Y/N when his father wasn't around he was always there for him no matter what the problem was.

Robert: are you feeling?

Y/N: Fine.

Robert: No I mean after Angela...

When Robert found out Angela's death from Y/N he knew Y/N loved her so much that he would die for her as he knew talking about her was a very sensitive Subject to him.

Y/N: I'm over it.

Robert: Are you sure?

Y/N: Yeah. Look

Y/N turned his laptop to the side as the camera was facing Ash.

Robert: Who's That?

Y/N: That would be my new girlfriend.

Robert: You found someone else.

Y/N: Yeah I did.

Robert: I'm Happy For you. *looks closer to the camera* Wait doesn't she look like Angela?

Y/N: That's what is said as well. They both look very similar.

Robert: What's her name?

Y/N: Eliza.

Robert: Pretty name. So when are you going to........ you know.

Y/N: I don't know what you mean.

Robert: You know.......are you going to do 'it'

Y/N: *blushes* N-No! W-well.......I......don't know......

Robert: Ah....Y/N the golden rule is Don't Keep a Girl Waiting.

Y/N: Yeah I get.

Robert: Like what my- 

Y/N: I get it Robert! Anyway the reason why I called you is because I'm going to Meet Eliza's Parents in California. Plus I plan to visit you as well with Eliza. Do you still have my 'Package'.

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