Chapter 10

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It was the end of the week of the trip for Y/N as He and Ash visited her Parents in California. Her and Y/N were leaving as they were going to meet Y/N Dad's Best Friend and teacher Robert. They were saying their Final Goodbyes to the Family.

Tailia: It's a shame you have to go back Honey we'll miss you.

Ash: I know Mom. I'll miss you too.

Jason: Remember to Train Hard and give them sons of bitches Hell.

Ash: I will Dad. I love you.

Y/N just finished packing up the truck and walked back up to the Cohen's to give his thanks for having himself over.

Tailia: It was nice meeting you Y/N.

Jason: Remember what I said to you.

Y/N: Yes Sir. Thank you for having me here.

Y/N and Ash went onto the truck, looked back at the Cohen's and gave them a wave and set off to meet Robert who lived just outside of the Dessert Of California. The Drive wasn't that long from the Cohen's.

Ash: He will we know we're Robert's house is?

Y/N: He owns a Shooting Range not far from here. Me and My dad Would go down here every week to keep him aim up and Mostly Train Me into a good Shooter.

Ash: Was he part of your Father's Team?

Y/N: Yeah he was part of My Father's Delta Squad.He was their Sniper and Real good one at that. You could say he is on Par with Glaz.

Ash: Really?

Y/N: Maybe a bit better.

The drive wasn't that long as Y/N thought it would be. Probably it's because he had someone with him. When they arrived the shop wasn't that big but wasn't small as the shop had a house beside it and a big field with mountains in the background.

Y/N: This is it.

The two of them got out of the truck and headed for the entrance of the shop. They both walked in and Saw the range of weapons he had.

 They both walked in and Saw the range of weapons he had

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Ash: Lot's Of Rifle's

Y/N: Yeah. He's into mainly Marksman Rifles and Assault Rifles and Sidearms.

Ash: So where is he?

Y/N: Robert! You here? It's Y/N.

There was no answer.

Ash: Maybe we should call back at another time.

Y/N and Ash Heard A bang from outside.

Y/N: That's Robert.

Ash: How do you know?

Y/N: Because Every Sunday he goes out to do some sniping.

Y/N and Ash head outside as Ash Followed Y/N to where he was going. They went up a dune and Saw a man in his 50's with an CheyTac Intervention.

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