Chapter 16 (Finale)

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Ash was walking back and forwards in Y/N's Bedroom hoping he would be ok after their Recent mission on finding Angela's whereabouts when Y/N got shot and badly wounded during the Mission. They found out that Angela was hiding over Arabia while the white Masks do all the work. Ash herd a scream coming from the other room. It was Y/N Screaming in pain. Ash was praying he would be alright. She waited a few minutes until there was a knock on the door she looked to the door to Robert was coming in with a sad look on his face.

Ash: Well?

Robert: The Good news is he will recover fine.

Ash sighed in relief.

Robert: The bad news is he can't go back out on the battlefield for few months.

Ash: What? But we need to get to Angela before she runs away Y/N and Myself need to do that.

Robert: No he doesn't.

Ash: What then?

Robert: I'll be going with you.

Ash had a confused look on her face. Robert smiled at it.

Robert: I know what your thinking 'But your old and Retired'. The truth is I've still got one more fight in me. I'm doing this not for Y/N but for his father as well. I wanted to see that bitch die and I want to see it with my own eyes.

Ash smiled at Robert to show that he was doing this for her Y/N family.

Robert: You can go and see him if you like.

Ash nodded and went into the Bedroom to Y/N had wires going into his arms and had a huge bandage around his Stomach. Ash kneeled beside him and took his hand into hers. There were tears coming out of Ash's eyes.

Ash: It's my fault this happened to you.....if didn't shoot the sniper first none of this would have happened..

Y/N: No.....

Y/N put his hand on her cheek and rubbed it along Ash's cheek where her scar was.

Y/N: You did the right thing by shooting the SAMS first. If you didn't we all would have died in the end.

Ash: Y/N.....

Y/N: I might not be able to go to Arabia.....but that doesn't stop you from going and putting a bullet into That bitch's Skull.....

Ash: Yeah.....your right about that...

Y/N: Listen....Eliza.

Ash: What is it?

Y/N: Make That Bitch Suffer...

Ash:.....I will


Ash left the room to let Y/N rest. She went downstairs to see Robert was Prepping a list from a friend of his as he brought in two big boxes.

Ash: What's in those?

Robert: You'll see.

Robert go a crowbar and pulled to box open to see a load of amour in the Box.

Ash: Is that?

Robert: Yep. It's Juggernaut Amour.

Ash: It's Looks......

Robert: It's a last resort If we want to get to Angela. Remember it us two against an Entire Army of Terrorists.

Ash: Right.

Robert: I've got two LMG'S for us I'd also recommend warring something Real light Amour under the Juggernaut Amour because it will be impossible to Run the amour as it's so heavy and bring an assault Rifle with you and a Sidearm. We will be leaving for Arabia in an 2 hours. So use that time to get yourself ready and prepped.

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