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Taylor's POV

I woke up and checked my phone, 8:45 it read. My eyes widened I jumped out of bed flashed back in fourth in my room trying to get my clothes, brush my hair and teeth all at the same time. We had to be at the airport at 9:00 for our 9:30 flight. I can't believe no one woke me up. I finished getting ready and ran into the hallway knocking on Mariah and Jayden's door.

"Hurry Up we have to go!!!"

I ran downstairs and there was Mariah and Jayden dressed and ready, and you had me looking like I rushed to get ready (even though I did) and my suitcases weren't even closed!!

"I can't believe you guys didn't wake me up we have to be at the airport in 10 minutes!!!" I yelled

"Actually, I just got a reminder that the flight will be delayed 15 minutes and it takes us 10 minutes to get to the airport. So we actually still have 20 minutes to get to the airport before the plane leaves." She stated.

"Ugh, I hate it when you're always prepared" he laughed.

"Well just in case you guys didn't realize you guys just wasted exactly 8 minutes so let's get to the airport before the plane does leave!" Jayden exclaimed.

"Alright, let's go" Mariah said.

We got into the car and drove off.

Mariah's POV

Once we to the airport there were many people. 9 boys and 1

girls I think.

"Mariah this is, Bart, Cameron, Carter, Aaron, Matthew, Jacob, Jack J., Jack G., Shawn and Mahogany." Taylor introduced

"Hi nice to meet you all!" I said as I shook all of their hands

"Oh and Theresa!!" Nash shouted

"Who's Theresa?" I asked

"His girlfriend" Taylor said

"What happened to him and Noelle?"

"They broke up" he whispered, I said nothing

"Our girlfriends are coming later!" Cameron, Carter, Shawn and Matthew all said in unison.

I smiled. " And me and Carter's best friends are coming." Cameron added

"What's their names?" I asked

"Oh, Charley and Taylor" he said as I nudged Taylor

*skip plane*

We walked to the hotel and decided rooms we had 3 rooms so we decided that Me, Taylor, Hayes, Nash, Matthew and his girlfriend would stay in a room together and everyone else could choose on their own.

We made our way to our room and walked inside. It was like a little mini house!! There was a small living room, a kitchen, and 3 bedrooms.

"Hey Mariah, we're gonna go get the girls wanna come?"

"Oh uh yeah sure!"

When we got to the airport there were 8 girls. They were all very pretty.

Matthew ran and hugged the tall one so I'm guessing that was his girlfriend. She was tall looked about 5'6, she had medium length hair, it was a dark brown with a majority of her tips dyed indigo, she was wearing a dark blue bow on her head and a blue magcon sweatshirt and some shorts and blue converse.

She saw me and walked to me, "Hi I'm Maddi, I like you hair" she said pointing to my muddy brown hair dyed turquoise at the bottom. "Thanks, I like yours too" she smiled. We heard Taylor and Matthew talking "They could be sisters!" Matthew shouted, we looked at each other, shook our heads, while everyone else nodded. We just walked out of the building to the car.

Once we got back to the hotel we walked into our room "hey you never told your name" Maddi stated "Oh, it's Mariah" I said "That's a pretty name"


Someone knocked on the door, I went to get it and a girl was standing there, it was the girl from the mall.

"Taylor the freak is here!" I yelled

Everyone looked, she pushed me back into the hotel room with her finger while saying "Listen here you little bitch, you pulled me away from MY boyfriend, and now I'm here to get him back!" She shouted

Then Taylor stepped in " I don't know who you are, we NEVER dated, we NEVER will date, and Mariah was just trying to keep you from raping me your face."

"Sounds serious" Maddi Laughed, Matthew nudged her "What!?" She screamed

Maddi stood up and got in the girls face " Listen bitch, no one here knows who you are and no one cares, so unless you want those pointy ass nails scratching your own throat get the hell out!" And with that she left, but I could tell this wouldn't be the end of her. "Thanks, Maddi" I thanked her "No problem I just needed her out of my sight, her ass is just to visable." We all laughed.

I could tell me and Maddi are gonna be pretty good friends.


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