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Mariah's POV

Taylor had just asked me to marry him.

"Taylor of course I'll marry you!" I said hugging him.

Shawn stopped playing the guitar and Maddi stopped singing. They awed.

"You guys are the most adorable things I have ever seen" Cameron said in a baby voice.

"We're gonna get going let you guys have a bit of alone time" Maddi said, moving her head gesturing for them to leave.

They walked out, Taylor slipped the diamond ring on to my finger. "It's beautiful Tay!" I said "just like you" he said. He pecked my lips, Hayden kicked. We both laughed. I walked downstairs and looked at my laptop, many tweets. I skimmed through some of them and closed my laptop. I looked at the time on the microwave. 12:30 am. Man I must've been on twitter for a while. I walked upstairs, and sat on the edge of the bathtub. I flicked on the water and put it at a lukewarm temperature. I slowly stepped in at sat down for a while. I went on Instagram for a few minutes and then stood up. I finished my shower and slowly got out.

I walked into my bedroom and drifted off to sleep.

*Next Morning*

I woke up and looked aside and looked at my alarm clock , it was 9:00 I grabbed my phone and looked at it. A reminder on the lock screen read "Maddi's Birthday!" Today was Maddi's birthday. She was turning 18 today. I got up out of bed and grabbed some clothes, I slipped them on and walked downstairs. I grabbed my keys and drove to the store.

I got to the pet store and I decided to get a turtle... Maddi has this really big obsession for turtles and is always complaining that her turtle needs a friend because it gets lonely. I honestly don't know. I got the turtle and left.

I drove back home, and went inside Maddi was sitting on the couch and Tay was in the kitchen. "Mads come her!" I yelled

She walked over. "Happy Birthday" I said and hugged her. "Thanks!" She said I grabbed the little tank off the table and gave it to her. "OH MY FREAKING GOSH!!! THANK YOU, I'M NAMING IT... SQUIRT!!!" She said and almost fell on the floor. I laughed and she glared at me. We were planning a surprise party for her, so I had to lie to her. "Hey, I left this shirt at your house could you get it? Oh and while you are there get dressed in something nice we'll go somewhere when you get back" I said, she nodded and left.

"Ok Maddi just went home, call the boys, go buy some decorations and a cake, then come back."

I looked at my calendar on my phone. "March 27" I said "Exactly three months till your due date, June 27" I added.

I went up to my bedroom to get ready.

Maddi's POV

I got into the shower and finished and got out. I went into my room and got some clothes. I picked out a mint green dress with gold flowers on it, I put my hair into a braid and blow-dried it so my hair would be wavy and took it out and put on a gold flower crown. I put on some white converse and went downstairs. I sat down on my couch, I decided to go back to her house in about an hour because she seemed like she had to do something so I'll give her some time.

Mariah's POV

I grabbed my phone and called Maddi and I's friend Sophia.

"Hello?" "Hi Sophia? So where are you, you have to be here in two hours?" "I know" as soon as she said that, the doorbell rang, I opened the door and there stood and a girl with light brown hair, who was casually dressed and holding a phone by her ear.

"SOPHIA!" I said

She dropped her suitcase and hugged me.

"OMG MARIAH!!" She said, "Where's Maddi?" She added. "She is getting ready next door" I said. I grabbed Sophia's suitcase and walked up to the guest room with her. "So how long are you staying, you can stay as long as you want." I said. "About a month" this lady had the ability to fit a months worth of clothes in one suitcase and I can't even fit five outfits, a hairbrush and two pairs of shoes! We walked downstairs and Tay was hanging balloons and streamers. I went to the fridge and found a plain white cake and some cartons of frosting and some piping bags. I grabbed the light blue frosting and wrote "Happy 18th Maddi" on it. Then in some other colors I drew some flowers and music notes. I placed the cake on the table and put some plastic cups, forks and plates around it.

Maddi's POV

I walked out my house and walked to Mariah's I walked to the door and opened it, all the lights were off and no one was there. I walked into the living room and sat down and everyone jumped out and screamed "surprise". I placed my hand on my forehead acting dramatic "OMG I almost died" I said. Matt grabbed me and said "you didn't and I wouldn't let that happen." I smiled and sat down, we did karaoke and Hayes almost broke a window, we played just dance and Nash almost broke the wii remote, we also had cake and Tay almost dropped it. I laughed at every single one of those incidents. Around 4:30 am everyone decided to go to sleep me and the guys went home and Mariah, Sophia and Tay went to bed.

Tay's POV

I woke up and went into Sophia's room, Sophia was on her phone. "Hey Sophia, wanna surprise Mariah?" I asked, "Ooohh Yeah, what are we gonna do?" "Ok well Mariah is like the heaviest sleeper ever so we are gonna need a bathtub, some rose petals, and some candles. "Ok?" She said, she went to the store and bought two bouquets of roses white and red and some candles. Ok I got the rest from here. I took Mariah and quickly slipped her clothes of and placed her in the warm water, I threw in the roses and lit the candles. I shook her awake and she gasped "I fell off the boat!!!" She screamed, I busted out laughing "Mariah you are on land in a bathtub" I laughed. "Oh" she said and glared at me. Mariah finished up in the bathroom and came out. She was wearing some red skinny jeans and a loose sparkly gold top. "You look nice" I said "I should" she joked.

We decided to go out to lunch with Sophia but we didn't really do anything else I know we're boring.

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