15 - Final Call (Part 2)

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Everything hurts. I feel dizzy. I feel lonely.

Everything's dark. I hear nothing. I feel nothing.

I'm cold.

A steady beeping sound starts to fill my mind. At first it was quiet, barely able to be heard, but now it's all I can hear.

I can't move.

I feels like I don't have any limbs, like I'm just thoughts floating through a void of beeps. I know it's not true, or maybe it is. Maybe this is what happens when you die.

That doesn't make sense why are there beeping noises-

My hand comes to life, tingling with a sensation that spreads to the rest of my body. It feels warm and comforting, like I'm not alone. My hand feels heavy, like it's underneath something else.

Other noises fade into existence. Breathing. Two different sounds, but they're both breathing. One was steady, in sync with the beeping noise. Maybe that's mine. The other was quiet and ragged; scared. Is that one mine? I don't feel scared, but then what is scared?

The tingling spreads to my head and by then I can tell the ragged breaths belong to something else. I can feel my eyelids, how heavy they are. And how my hand is being held tightly, spreading the warmth through me. I try to open my eyes, to see what's there, where I am, am I dreaming, am I alive, but I have too little strength to try.

After a few minutes I try again, and they flutter open just a little. Everything's blurry and disfigured, but I can see I'm lying down in a bed that's not mine. A heart monitor beeps next to me and someone holds my hand. They're aren't looking at me, but instead looking down at the ground. I'm at the hospital. I didn't die?

My eyes slip shut before my vision can become clear. Who was that? I wait impatiently for a few more minutes to pass, tuning into my surrounds. A TV is playing the news, talking about something I couldn't care less about. There's an IV in my wrist, which is uncomfortable to think about, but it's there. And the person started to thumb my knuckles comfortingly.

I open my eyes again to their full extent and wait for my vision to stop swimming. After a few moments, I blink as my gaze falls on the person. They were shaking while they stared at the ground, a distraught aura around them. I stare a second longer before my heart swells with recognition of their H/C hair and their touch that drives me crazy.


I try to say her name, to call out to her, but my tongue feels too big in my mouth for me to speak. The best I can do is grunt and whine, hoping she's awake. Her head snaps toward me as a groan rumbles from my throat, eyes lighting up and brimming with tears. She wasn't crying, but her cheeks were stained and eyes were red, breaking my heart to see the effects of the emotional pain I caused.

"Keith!" Y/N calls in a hushed voice, dropping my hand and jumping to her feet. I smile softly as my eyes water. I want to hold my arms out to her, but even I can tell that takes strength I don't have.

"Y/N." I whisper in a hoarse voice, coughing immediately after. A tear slides down her cheek as she leans over and gingerly hugs me, nestling her head into my neck. I stifle a sob as she embraces me, her touch overwhelming me.

"You fuck, why didn't you call the police in the first place? They had to spend 2 minutes trying to track your phone before they could send help!" Y/N cries into my shoulder, tears flooding down her face despite her clear voice,"You're fucking lucky we live so close to them."

I swallow hard and bury my head into her neck,"I wanted to hear your voice one last time." She groans and pulls away, leaving me cold and empty without her touch. How did I ever do anything without her holding me?

"Keith, if you died I don't know what I'd do with myself." Y/N says firmly, wiping the tears from her face with the back of her hand. Despite the fact they build back up again, she doesn't seem to notice, or care, "You can't gamble with your life, do you understand me?"

I breath in sharply at the intense look on her face and instantly regret it as pain shoots through my lungs. I groan and keel over, my reflex's taking over my better judgement. Y/N gasps and cups my face, tenderly touching my chest and pushing me back to my original spot.

I grit my teeth and look up at her soft expression, filled with worry, but soothing regardless. I slowly relax my jaw, the pressure in mouth from the pain fading as she sighs.

"Don't ever do something like that again, okay?" She asks much gentler than before, thumbing my cheek softly. A wave of warmth washes over me from her affection. Who knew being on the brink of death would leave you insanely touch starved.

"Okay." I murmur tiredly, exhausted from the sudden jolt of pain, leaning into her palm. Y/N smiles and gently kisses me on the lips. Tears stream down the sides of my cheeks as she overwhelms my senses, overriding the pain in my body with her blissful touch.

Pulling away, she kisses the tears off my face before pushing back my bangs and kissing my forehead.

"Can I get another hug? The other one was too short." I ask, grinning into her neck. She laughs lightly, snaking her arms around me before pulling me into another embrace.

"Even though you scared the shit out of me, I love you with all my heart." Y/N murmurs in my ear, nuzzling my hair. I smile and lean my head against hers.

"I love you to the moon and back."

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